
The Uranus Cycle



Portrait of Alexander Ruperti 
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Alexander Ruperti

In the humanistic approach, the three planets that are beyond the orbit of Saturn symbolize stages in human development which are "transcendent". These planets represent new factors affecting human activity on both social and individual levels, factors which continually upset the status quo, both in thought and action on all levels of society. Since their discovery, Western Civilization finds itself in a state of crisis, due in part to the fundamental social and economic changes introduced by modern science and technology. Additionally, repercussions are felt on the personal level as individuals find themselves in a perpetual state of upset. In an attempt to meet this constant state of crisis, different schools of psychology appeared, each emphasizing its own approach to the problems of modern life. As Rudhyar pointed out, the present wide-spread emphasis on the use of psychological techniques, including astrology, is the direct result of the need to meet this universal state of crisis. There is a general tendency to over-react especially on an emotional level, to the word "crisis," to view it as something dire and dreadful which must be avoided at all costs. The more recent schools of psychology define crisis as a phase of growth, either of the individual or society. It has purpose and meaning in relation to the overall development of the human personality or the collectivity passing through such a phase. Crisis is necessary to this development, although the form it takes is not inevitable. Change, transition and transformation are necessary ingredients of human experience, but this does not mean that violent revolution or war are the only means of bringing them about socially. In the same way, a personal crisis of growth does not neccesarily produce illness, neurosis, insanity or tragic loss. There seem to be two distinctly different fundamental aims to the psychological treatment of crisis. The first, and unfortunately the most common, is to try to re-establish the state of so-called normalcy which the crisis upset. This is the aim of both the social psychologists and the Freudians and can be linked astrologically to the Jupiter-Saturn level of functioning. The alternative aim, first put forward by Carl Jung, is to use crisis as challenges to greater growth, as means to induce an inner metamophosis of the personality. This attitude can be linked astrologically to Uranus and Neptune. The humanistic astrologer knows that such cases are often stressful and disturbing. It isth point of Change/no-change at which the person must either make a conscious decision or become a victim of fate. They must either act or be acted upon The point of change is never comfortable or comforting; however; in order to attain personal maturity, crisis must be met understood and assimilated. This approach takes the person well beyond the level of "self". Whereas on the Jupiter-Saturn level one is challenged to become a a greater and better individual rather than merely accept the status quo, on the level of Uranus-Neptune they are challenged to become greater than an individual. As one changes their frame of reference, their life assumes a meaning on the collective or even universal level, rather than the purely personal one. Ego desires become secondary, and one finds significance in values which have meaning whether they, as an individual, exist or not. Instead of meeting people in terms of their own desires, one seeks a greater reality toward which they can work with others. A person then is able to express the universal significance of Uranus and Neptune. If one simply wants to be normal, like everyone else, then the crisis of Uranus and Neptune will seem destructive, something to be fought against until things return to the familiar old-shoe existence they had before. The problem here is that the "normal" routine will never again be as comfortable as it once was, leading to an end result of fear, frustration and having suffered for naught. Such a result spells spiritual defeat. The humanistic astrologer can assist their client to find positive meaning in Uranus and Neptune crisis and to assume a positive attitude toward them by first of all, advising the client of the expected duration. Secondly, the astrologer can point out the apparent purpose of the crisis and its transformational impetus in the life and character of that individual. Here the astrologer must consider not only the entire birth-chart, including life-time progressions, but also the age factor. With this information a person can work consciously with the changes which the crisis is challening them to make, instead of fighting them. From the humanistic viewpoint, Uranus acts positively as the revealer of greater worlds and more inclusive truths. Uranus acts positively as the revealer of greater worlds and more inclusive truths. Uranus is the inspirer, that force which forever tries to transform the autocratic and set ways of Saturn. The universal values of which Uranus is the symbol cannot be reached today except through some kind of revolt against the priveleges and the domination of crystallized Saturnian behaviour patterns. This revolt, however, need not be based on hatred or feelings of revenge which would lead to negative expressions, such as anarchy and revolution on the social level, and bizarre behaviour and eccentricity for its own sake on the personal level. These are manifestations traditionally attributed to Uranus. When Uranus challenges, one must seek the means to give a new purpose, direction and meaning to life from a frame of reference larger than the personal ego. Passive subservience to the dictates of an unquestioned tradition and way of life must be changed into a dynamic, positive and creative search for new and more encompassing values and goals. In doing this, the individual must not destroy the Saturnian boundaries of the self, but try to make them more adaptable and less limiting. They must be willing to allow what seem alien elements to enter. One must question the belief that one's persona set of traditions, both racial and cultural, are inherently spiritually superior to all others. They must be open to the possiblity of acting in unprecedented ways and of undergoing a basic change of attitude in order to relate to others according to more than personal values. The natal House position of Uranus will indicate the field of experience in which one will most likely have to undergo a deep and personal change, where in fact they will often have to deal with upheaval. One's individual purpose will be to work consciously with Uranus, to learn to understand and to welcome this metamorphosis. Without this conscious effort to use Uranus in the matters of the natal House, no transformation will be possible, and Uranus will work through social circumstances to bring upheavals that will seem meaningless and have a disintegrative effect. Because an increasing number of people experience a complete Uranus cycle of 84 years in the course of their lifetime, individual characteristics can be given to Uranus, which is not possible with Neptune or Pluto. "Individual", however, does not mean "personal." Positive Uranain action presupposes individualization as its foundation, a consciousness that is open to what is new and more-than-personal in its implications. Unlike Jupiter and Saturn, which refer to a person's progress within the limitations of the values established by their birth - their racial, national, cultural and religious framework - Uranus opens the door to the collective unconscious. It is the path to what Jumg called "individuation," to that metamorphosis which enables one to realize that their ego is not the central ruler of their personality. Uranus provides a clue to the type of genius an individual may have; on more ordinary levels, it may point to an adventurous spirit or a strong restlessness. This may mean an inner urge to break away from the life conditions which have brought dissatisfaction or failure. It is the power to start anew. As long as a person seeks happiness or success along establishe, socially acceptable lines and limits themself to the Jupiter-Saturn level of consciousness which leaves no place for spiritual or social metamorphosis, the Uranian energy within them will make them experience such dissatisfaction and failure. Only when a person becomes dissatisfied with the status quo and begins to search for different values does Uranus become active within them, shaking them out of their life-rut and urging them to initiate the changes which some new vision or goal presents. When Uranus begins to function, the conscious ego, conditioned as it is by Jupiter-Saturn heredity and environment, is filled with "divine discontent". One realizes that the values of their conscious ego are too limiting and limited, and that they must seek the means to free themself from the life-pattern established by their family and social milieu. The vision of more universal values enters one's life, a vision which will enable them to understand themselves in a new light. When significant transits of the Sun, Moon, Saturn or "ruling planet" occur, the astrologer must interpret the social or familial disturbances in terms of a personal metamorphosis which will be the purpose behind these outward events, keepin in mind any natal aspects between Uranus and the Sun, Moon, Saturn or ruling planet. If there are no significant contacts at birth, then the transit of Uranus over those natal placements will not necessarlity have a deep personal significance. However, what ever Uranus touches by transit in the birth-chart will tend to be highly stimulated or upset. The potential challenge will always be presented for a person to use the planetary function thus stimulated at a more universal, less personal level. If one does not succeed in giving this transcendent goal to the transit, then it will simply coincide with some insignificant external change or meaningless upset. The transiting aspect of Uranus to other planets provide individual opportunities for growth, or can lead to the partial loss of one's personal intergrity if the challenge of Uranus is not constructively met. This mysterious power within the psyche seeks to transform the essential character of the personality, to make one a fundamentally different person from what they were before the Uranian challenge. This difference will oblige one to test the validity of the earlier state of affairs, both within and without. Social ideals and values will be seen in a new light, and probably as limiting factors in terms of the new vision. One will therefore take steps to radically alter their relationship to them. The Generic Cycle The 84-year transit cycle of Uranus symbolizes a progressive effort toward radical transformations, both social and personal The cycle can be divided in several different ways into sub-cycles: seven 12-year cycles, twelve 7-year cycles, and three 28-year cycles. Impilcitly or explicitly in each of these sub-cycles, the number seven recurs, a number significant not only because Uranus transits each Sign of the zodiac in approxiamately seven years, but also because of its numerolgical import, as will be discussed below. Jung tells us that numbers have an archetypal foundation, and he defines number psychologically as archetype of order which has become conscious. Numbers, in other words, are not inventions of the conscious intelligence, but spontaneous products of the unconscious - the unconscious uses number as an ordering factor The 28-year Cycles of Uranus. In dividing the Uranus cycle into three 28-year sub-cycles, Rudhyar has likened them to the three "births" in a human life. The first is the physical birth, while the second and third occur as transiting Uranus forms waxing and waning trines to its natal position. The trine aspects offer two moments particularly propitious to a spiritual metamorphosis of the personality. Those who have read Rudhyar's The Astrology of Personality will remember his cabalistic analysis of numbers. As he explained by the operation known as "cabbalistic addition" the number 7 produces or implies number 28. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28 This means that the number 7 potentially contains the number 28. To put this another way, the characteristic nature of 7 is worked out in 28 phases (27 phases plus a 28th phase which will be the fulfillment of the cycle as well as the seed of the new cycle to follow). The number 27 is the third power, or cube, of the number 3: 3x3x3=27. The third power of 3 represents 3 operating on three levels of being. The number 3, linked to the trine aspect, is the number which refers to the plane of Ideas before they become concrete or embodied through the operation of number 4 (the square aspect). Thus, the number 27, as the third power of 3, refers to the operation of Ideas on all threee levels of being. A new Idea must pass through 27 phases of operation before it can be said to pervade the whole human being. Then, during the 28th phase, the Idea can be expressed through some creative act. This is why Rudhyar says that the 28-year Uranus cycle pertains to man as a creative individual. In relation to the Uranus cycle the word "Idea" is not merely a thought held in the brain, but is what Jungian psychology calls an archetype. It is an emanation of the universal Mind which has both form and energy, and which is capable of impregnating the whole person on all three levels of their being. An archetype is synonymous with a primordial image. The idea of God, an all-powerful divine Being, is an archetype, a primordial image within humanity's collective psyche. So is the prophet and the disciple of the prophet through the myth of the Sun hero. Jung has shown how the most powerful ideas in history go back to archetypal ideas created by consciously applying and adapting these ideas to reality. A further reason for dividing the Uranus cycle into three periods is the dialectic process thus activated. The same process is used to analyze the three Houses of the birth-chart: first action, then reaction, and finally the integration of the latter with the former - thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Rudhyar has explained this as follows: "When a Life-Impulse or Idea (an archetype or primordial image) stikes an already formed organism - a man, a nation or the human race as a whole - it takes time for it to impress itself upon this organism. The idea is perceived, then formulated. It upsets the "old order". It produces a revolution, sudden or gradual, indeed it is always a gradual process with one or more flare-ups. That process of impregnation takes 28 phases." "The reaction sets in. After the thesis we have now the antithesis; the "old order" if consciousness fights for its life, while the very substance of the organism slowly adjusts itself to the new Idea-Impulse. The "masses" change while the "leaders" make desparate efforts to stem the tide. Finally the third 28-year cycle begins, which brings about the synthesis of what ws valuable in the old with what was really permanent in the new - or rather what the organism as a whole has proven ready to incorporate." This threefold Uranian process is the life-foundation of a person who is able to become more than a simple expression of their race and traditional culture, one who achieves the status of a creative and integrated personality. During the first 28 years of life, the Uranian Idea-Impulse which corresponds ro one's true individual identity slowly descends. This first cycle is involutionary. If all goes well, there will be 28 phases of progressive incorporation of the Ideal into the concrete reality of a living person, which is the reason for birth. As this progressive incorporation takes place, a person will graduall emerge out of the psychic womb of their family, nation, culture and religion, establishing their individual character and destiny. At what Rudhyar has called the "second birth", the true identity of an individual is fully incorporated and can begin to manifest creatively. The effort to express this true identity in a creative manner will usually bring about deep conflicts between one's identity - the Ideal - and all that has been inherited from both their personal and social past. Many people find it difficult to realize how little their ideals are really embodied in their behaviour. One thinks they are living true to their ideals, while most often they merely try to ignore everything that they do not like in their personal and social inheritance, thus living an illusion of their true nature. If one succeeds in remaining true to their vision and essential identity during the second cycle of 28 years, then at the age of 56 the potential of a "third birth" will arrive. For this to be possible - and it is, unfortunately, a very rare possibility, even for those who have tried very hard to be real "individuals" - one must first come to terms with their past. They must have succeeded in Jungian terms, in assimilating into their conscious ego some of the contents of the collective unconscious. This means becoming a true person of wisdom., radiating through one's personality that spiritual essence which it was their destiny to manifest. Such a condition of individuation is a balanced sythesis of all the collective elements which, together with the Idea-Impulse of their spiritual identity, form the conscious being. The fruits of this synthesis should then manifest in one's life from age 56 onwards. This analysis of the Uranus cycle has been incorporated in the interpretation of the 7-year periods in Chapter 2, "The Age Factor". Mulitples of Seven The number 7 is a basic measure in occult philosophy and the division of any cycle into seven periods seems to be of universal applicatin and significane. Dividing the Uranus cycle into seven 12-year periods links it to the Jupiter cycle, which lasts 11.8 years. This means that Uranus upsets and transforms the Jupiterian religious, psychic and cultural forms according to a rhythm of 7x12. The division into twelve 7-year periods, which includes the three 28-year periods already discussed, links the Uranus cycle to the cycles of Saturn and the progressed Moon. This is especially significant around the critical years of 27-30 and 56-60. The progressed Moon cycle, the lunation cycle and the Saturn cycle all approxiamate the 28-year Uranus cycle. Becuse the Moon and Saturn refer to the development of the conscious ego and the Uranus function is to transform that conscious ego and its contents, this link exists between their cycles. Rudhyar has established in general terms the meaning which can be given to the seven periods of twelve years each, and this interpretation applies equally to each of the 7-year cycles. The meaning is directly related to the manifestation of the Uranian transforming type of forces: In the first year or cycle the new Impulse is felt, usually in a very confused manner. This entire period can be described as a groping toward a new condition of being. In the second year or cycle the new Impulse gains substance, arousing the depths of one's nature. There will be a resistance from one's past; memories, complexes and social inertia and fears oppose the new trend. In the third year or cycle the first stage of exteriorization of the Impulse occurs. This can be likened to a "vision". As the archetypal form is more or less clearly revealed, one may experience loneliness and perhaps despondency, for the vision may seem unattainable and the means for realizing it most inadequate. In the fourth year or cycle the embodiment of that Impulse-Idea can occur through a period of conflict and struggle. Power may be released through the organism, or there will be a fruitless return to the past. The mid-point of this period (3&1/2 years or age 42) will mark its most important turning-point. This is the Plant stage. In the fifth year or cycle consciousness, beauty and creative activity can occur in direct proportion to the progress that which has been made. This will bring the Impulse-Idea to its finest and most vigorous period. This is the Flower stage. In the sixth year or cycle one should gather in the harvest of the Impulse-Idea and evaluate its success or failure. This should be a time of dedication to the future and self-sacrifice. It is the Fruit stage. In the seventh year or cycle the seed of the future cycle is being formed. What was developed through six preceding years, or 72 years of the larger cycle, will come fatefully to a culmination. To the degree that there has been fulfillment and clarity of consciousness, there will also be freedom. This is the Seed stage. All of this is an abstract formula which can only be meaningful when applied to a specific case and in regard to a particular period. The Twelve 7-year cycles In this division of life into twelve 7-year periods, Rudhyar related each period to a Sign of the zodiac. This means that, from the point of view of the transforming Uranus function, the first seven years of life will constitute the Aries period, the next seven years, a Taurus period, and so on. In thus relating the twelve periods to the Signs, we may notice that the three "births" mentioned above correspond to the three Fire Signs. In Aries there is a birth of the physical body as an independent entity at the level of generic and instinctual human nature. In Leo, there is the potential birth of the individual Soul, permitting the assertive independence of the conscious ego or mind to make some form of original contribution to society. In Sagittarius, there is the potential third birth into the light. This action of the spirit normally comes to a climax every seventh year. Thus it occurs according to the Sign related to the period, and at the level of operation indicated by the particular seven-year period. This means that the characteristics of the Sign will help an astrologer to understand the nature of, and above all, the level at which possible Uranian transformations may take place. The Aries period - birth to age 7. Uranian crisis during these years will predominately affect the basic instinctual reactions one has to life. The Taurus period - age 7 to 14. Uranian crisis during this period particularly affect the sexual and emotional nature. The Gemini period - age 14 to 21. Here the effect of Uranian crisis is principally mental and can modify one's social sense and adaptation to parents, family and friends. The Cancer period - age 21 to 28. During this period works mainly on the intuitive faculties and on all that affects the establishment of one's conscious ego in society. The Leo period - age 28 to 35. This is a most important time for Uranian crisis, as they can indivate the possibility of freedom from parental influences and a birth into a truly adult way of life. The Virgo period age 35 to 42. This can be the time to take a fresh look at one's way of life, deciding on changes in one'e personal attitude or work. This will be especially true if one's efforts to establish an individual and responsible approach have not been successful in the past. Much will depend on the experiences of the preceeding 7-year period. The Libra period age 42 to 49. This is the turning-point of the Uranus cycle - the opposition to its natal place. It can be a period of deep psychological reorientation, or there may be spectacular social success if the previous Uranian crises have been met in a positive manner. Otherwise, there is the possibility of some form of psychological upheaval relating to one's intimate social or professional associations. The Scorpio period age 49 to 56. Uranian Crisis at this age can lead to deep occult experiences if the development of the planets cycle has been positive up to this time. Otherwise, there may be sexual upheavals, emotional conflicts and attempts to regain one's lost youth. The Sagittarius period age 56 to 63. This is the time of a theoretical "third birth". As this experience is rare , however, the astrologer must interpret what happens after the age of 56 as an outgrowth of an individual's attempts to lead an independent life siince the age of 28. If all has gone well, this should be a period of harversting the fruits of past efforts. There could be a birth into wisdom and the capacity to commumicate the fruits of one's work to others. The last three periods of the 84-year cycle of Uranus theoretically continue what the Sagittarius period began. The end of life, from the Uranian point of view, can be a period of abstract thought and social fulfillment, making a person ever wiser and more understanding, a "power behind the throne," or a teacher of this great understanding. Having established this level of Uranian activity according to the age of the client, one must then look at the transits which Uranus is making to the natal planets, and at any particularly strong aspects from the progressed planets (especially the Sun and Moon) to natal Uranus occuring at the same time. The year of the 7-year period during which the transits and progressions are exact will then add more detailed information. It must be repeated that nothing necessarily need happen on an external level at the time of such Uranian aspects, and nothing entitles the astrologer to predict the outcome of such confrontations. They should emphasize to the client that these aspects will call into operation the innate freedom of the individual as a spiritual entity, and they should never suggest anything to the client which could produce fear or uncalled-for expectations. The only positive preparation for Uranian crisis is the complete willingness to face whatever may happen, with complete faith in the spirit within who is the real initiator of the transformation process. This analysis of the Uranus cycle, although on a generic, universal level, is surprisingly significant in most cases and well worth taking into account. One should write down what one considers the main events in their life within the framework of these 7-year periods to see how their meaning can be illumined. As most people usually have little idea of what events are really significant in their lives (for most people notice effects rather than causes), it will be enlightening to see the changes in consciousness according to the Uranian periods and aspects. In this way one will learn to look behind the superficialities of life and become more conscious of essential values. Let us take the example of marriage, or any other strong pair-bonded relationship. If a person marries during their 23rd year (the 2nd year of the Cancer period, which is the normal period for establishing a home), the deeper reason for the union may be a psychological complex or need for breaking away from the influence of their family. If, on the other hand, that marriage or union occurs during the 28th year, it may have a connection to the potential of the "second birth" and therefore have a deep spiritual significance. In cases of marriage or psychologically close relationships, however, unless the partners are of the same age the meaning of the union will be different for each of them. As an example of how to deploy this technique, we may examine the chart of President Jimmy Carter at the time of his election in November, 1976. At birth Saturn was in 1.55' Scorpio and the Moon in 13.47' Scorpio. At the time of his election transiting Uranus was exactly on the mid-point of this wide conjunction. Carter was 52 years old in October, 1976 and was therefore living through the 4th year of the 8th (Scorpio) 7-year period of his life. The events at this time therefore bear a strong relation to the Scorpio power, the power of identification (in this case with the American people). Carter's natal Moon and Saturn in the Sign Scorpio indicates his yearning to be identified with vast groups and with the deep currents molding human destiny. He wants to feel power, to be a channel through which the power generated by collective movements can be used for what he considers to be a creative and positive purpose. His success as President will depend on the quality of the purpose which he persoanlly serves. Uranus transiting this Moon-Saturn pair provided a very real challenge to his personality, especially as transiting Neptune was approaching the conjunction to his natal Jupiter (exact between December 1976 and November 1977) at the same time. In other words, Uranus and Neptune were asking him to grown beyond success and satisfaction on "normal" levels of experience, and to give a new meaning, purpose and direction to his life. As President, he will hopefully direct this new purpose toward the life of the American people and nation in terms of some larger, more universal frame of reference than his personal (or the national) ego. His presidency is meant to introduce a dynamic, poitive, creative search for new, more encompassing values and goals. The personal and national ego must be more adaptable, less limited, and more willing to allow what appear to be alien elements to enter in. Through Carter, America could begin to question its belief that its own set of traditions and culture are inherently and spiritually superior to all others. He could open the country to acting in unprecedented ways and of relating to other nations in terms of international, global values. The Scorpio period in the Uranus cycle is a "regenerative" phase which is meant to substantiate an strengthen whatever has reached fulfillment in the life during the preceeding "Libra" period. October 1976-1977 being the 4th year of the 7-year period, the Scorpio trend touched bottome, so to speak. In the formula just presented, this is a period of conflict and struggle on Scorpio levels, a period of release of power, and because of his election in the Presidency, a consecration of efforts. The Individual Uranus Cycle Although transiting aspects from Uranus to one's natal planets refer to individual opportunities for growth, the more strictly individual meaning of the Uranus cycle is revealed by the planet's movement through the quadrants and Houses of a person's birth-chart. The House framework in humanistic astrology refers to individual factors because it is an expression of the axial rotation of the Earth - a movement peculiar to the planet Earth and therefore individual. The orbital revolution of the Earth around the Sun, on the other hand, has a collective significance, since it is a movement common to all planets in our solar system. The signs of the zodiac are an expression of this collective movement, referring to collective elements in human nature, elements common to all human beings. For this reason, humanistic astrology, which is a person-centered astrology, gives more importance to the Houses than to the Signs. Analysis by quadrant is a basic technique in Rudhyar's humanistic approach to transits. It establishes a four-fold rhythm of spiritual unfoldment in terms of Uranus' natal House position. In this technique the individual Uranus cycle begins at the time when it reaches the nearest Angel by transit. For example, if Uranus is posited in the natal 2nd House, th individual cycle will not begin until it reaches the Nadir. When Uranus crosses the Ascendant and transits the 1st House it creates a challenge to growth in essential being, in the quality and scope of one's life-purpose, and it demands an active change based on a deeper perception of spiritual realities, or it may be a peculiar restlessness which makes one generally dissatisfied with the conditions of their life. At this time, an individual should develop intuition and be open to new ideas and new ventures. They should be ready to take the necessary steps transform the present implications of their life and their relationship to society. In some cases, people tend to become fanatical, eccentric, anarchistic breakers of idols. They can radiate inspirational and exalting or disturbing and unsettlling influences. Psychologically, a person should try to open themselves to the collective unconsious through dreams, meditation or other subjective means, to go beyond the conventional and traditional and to tap deeper resources within themselves. Life now demands that one be themselves with full independence. In that way one may give a new slant to accepted values and have the courage to break with the limiting factors in their present situation. When Uranus transits the 2nd House, a transforming energy begins to operate within a person's background through strange upsets or spectacular revelations, causing them to doubt the value of the existing order of things. All one has inherited is activated, and new powers may be revealed or new faculties manifest themselves. The challenge will be to use them fully and for a more significant purpose than before. A person at this time must find concrete means to substantiate the new vision shown by Uranus in the 1st House. One must concentrate their attention in those spheres where there seems to be social demand for their physical, mental or psychological abilities; otherwise their desire to be "different" or "original" during the 1st House transit will never be socially effective. But one must be careful not to betray their new ideal just because the inertia of habits and social conventions creates obstacles. The strong personality uses these habits to demonstrate their vision - and thereby repolarizes them. The weak personality lets the collective habits use their vision, which is thereby distorted and materialized. When Uranus transits the 3rd House, the call to a new order affects one's everyday life and mundane contacts with the environment. As one becomes aware that the trend begun by Uranus' transit of the 1st House is not automatically adapted to the conditions of their daily existence, one may develop nervous tension and restlessness of mind as they try to adapt the new to the old. This transit is a decisive phase in a person's effort to incorporate new or deeper values. Either on proves themselves capable of living a transformed life, or else they realize tha external circumstances are too strong for them to change. One must be prepared to change one's environment if necessary, or at least change one's mental concepts. At this time one must discover new ways of being oneself, and can see how the different parts of their personality are related to each other. One should not be afraid to provoke crises as they try to demonstrate the new way of perceiving things and ideas which their Uranian vision requires. Such crisis are necessary in order to make one aware of the practicality or impracticality of the way they have chosen to express their new truth. Thus they will learn to differentiate the utopian and ideal from the truly possible. When Uranus crosses the Nadir and transits the 4th House, the time has arrived for one to express that part of their essential nature of which they have become conscious since Uranus crossed the Ascendant. Habitual foundations and feelings can become quite unsettled as a result of the new impulse seeking expression within the personality. It may no longer be possible for one to hold on to their established home-life, for something appears to undermine the fundamental way in which one was taught to face society. Uranus in the 4th House can shake the ground under one's feet. A person may be uprooted by war, revolution or social pressures, or by necessary changes of occupation, sudden losses, or conflicts with neighbors family members. The important question now is how one will react. Perhaps the most important decision an individual can make under this transit is to change the desire for outer security into one if inner stability. To achieve this stability, the center of gravity of one's whole being must be shifted from the conscious ego to the Self. When one reaches the Self, they also reach the common global center, the source of all truly dynamic and creative spiritual activity. If they manage to experience the center of their own personality as being one with the center of Humanity (which is one of the deepest messages of the 4th House), then one's subjective awareness will take on a totally new quality. Instead of a non-adaptive and introverted being whose life is base on a passive participation in society, one will become a productive energy source, inspired by the center of all energy. One will constantly attempt to express through conscious living and creative activity what remains for most people a subjective and unconscious part of their total being. Uranus in the 4th House can be a taproot linking the conscious ego to the riches of the collective unconscious. When Uranus transits the 5th House, the possibilities will depend on the type of inner and outer stability gained during the 4th House transit. If a person has not found their individual center and is still ego-controlled in their expression, then this 5th House transit can be an upsetting factor leading to a loss of Self in illusory, utopian ideals or unsound speculations. If, during the earlier phases of this cycle, one has succeded in transforming their personality sufficiently to give expression to more universally valid goals, then the 5th House transit will signal a time of creative action on a level which transcends tradition. It will then be possible to manifest one's true inner genius, inventiveness and originality. A person will act and create with the aim of relating themselves to others in a significant manner, rather than simply expressing themselves by projecting an image onto materials or other people. One will act purposefully and significantly in terms of the real needs of society, because their center is one with the center of all. When Uranus transits the 6th House, a person is apt to go through a personal crisis, either willingly or unwillingly. Because the way one relates or expresses themself in the 5th House is never perfect or final, in the 6th House they will likely feel a need to transform their manner of expression, to experiment with life, seek out new techniques and reorient themselves toward the future. Continual readjustments to present social needs may be necessary, and this may involve sudden changes connected, for better or worse, with one's work. During this transit one must neutralize the causes of their past failures and inefficiencies in expression; they must overcome the final resistances so they may become a clear lens through which a higher state of being may be focused as Uranus crosses the Descendant. Whenever Uranus succeeds in its mission, the whole being and the whole life are utterly transformed. One is a different person after a Uranian visitation, and the future must be worked out in terms of this difference. When Uranus crosses the Descendant and transits the 7th House, A growth in one's power and sphere of influence should be evident. If a person has a positive reaction to the Uranian energy, they will have the power to reform and regenerate society. One will meet the tests of objective life freely and courageously. One will make their relationships more spiritually significant by their ability to transform them. During this transit, many unexpected or inspiring experiences (love or hate, association or conflict)may completely upset a person's conception of what their life pattern should be like. Many readjustments will be necessary in order to meet the needs of the social whole. Nothing can remain crystallized; all past attitudes, contracts and patterns of interpersonal relationships are questioned. Uranus asks that one become inwardly free from set standards, of what seem to be clear-cut and obvious assumptions. For this reason, a person can become a disturbing influence in their relationships during this transit He may, on the other hand, find that their relationships are upset by the independant or eccentric behaviour of their partners. When Uranus transits the 8th House, one's capacity for self-renewal will be put to the test on very concrete levels. The world will now see the concrete results of the transformation process which began when Uranus crossed the Ascendant. These results can be either positive or negative; either the social and material effects of the process wil be strengthened, or the effort to transform oneself will peter out through a lack of will power, courage or faith. Ideally, this is the time to open new paths for the activities one engages in with associates and a time to transform habitual or customary procedures in business or group activities, to introduce new principles of conduct which will be less selfish and traditional or to form asscociations for the sake of new and unusual purposes. This transit is not a time for utopian idealism, but for the practical working out of one's new version of Self, relationship or business. The time for dreams and theories is over. A person must now BE what they have envisioned. One must act as a reformer and a creative pioneer, a founder of new precedents. Action in one's chosen spiritual or social field will be the only way to know the value of the vision they are trying to serve and to prove it to others. Even if a person should now experience that shattering of their ideals or suffer adverse criticism, ostracism or social isolation, such experiences will teach them that they have not adapted to the reality of their times or taken the real needs of others into consideration in their actions. This can be a most useful acknowledgement for one's future development. Self and others, Self and society are in constant interaction. One will fail in their relationships if they put too much emphasis on one pole of the relationship and disregards the other. One must learn, when Uranus transits the third quadrant, that it is the relationship between Self and others, between Self and society, which must be transformed, rather than either of the poles. When Uranus transits the 9th House, one has the opportunity to give a new and more creative meaning to their relationships through an attempt to discover the reason for one's 8th House success or failure in social participation. One can discover new truths, new laws and new lands while trying to understand how and why they arrived at their present life condition. Under the stimulation of unfamiliar and even alien and disturbing ideas, this is the time for a change of mind and heart. It is a time of doubting the signficance of one's relationships and the value of all that those relationships have produced. According to what criteria is one judging the value and significance of their love relationships or business partnerships and what they produced What value do others place on one's personality since they plunged into the world of relationship as a transforming force when Uranus entered their 7th House? Such questions are important during the 9th House phase of the Uranus cycle, for one must find out for themself whether their business relationships are meaningful to their destiny and whether their social or business activities are worthwhile to the community. Has one been behaving in a responsible manner in their relationships, or have they been simply drifting along in an unconscious manner? One's experiences during this 9th House transit can provide an answer to some of these questions, and the answer may not always be to one's liking. Neverthelss, if a person wants to expand constuctively - spiritually, psychologically or socially - they must know where they stand as an individual, and personal goals must be grounded in reality. When Uranus crosses the Midheaven and transits the 10th House, the scope of one's social and professional influence should grow. It is time to initiate progressive changes in their social or professional environment, and to inspire new trends. A person may be pushed to assume a role in some social, proffesional or national situation which puts him in the limelight, for better or worse. Since Uranus entered the 7th House, the efforts to share one's particular genius and viion with the world have had concrete results. In spite of social lies and personal fallicies confusing one's sense of Self and their spiritual goals in life, a person will be able to realize now how much of their true, individual nature they have been able to express through their social activities. Success, in terms of Uranus' transit of the 10th House, is not necessarily success in the eyes of the world. What matters most is one's ability to contribute their own personal truth to society as a result of personal fulfillment. In spite of outward success, if one feels personally empty, they can be sure that they have not followed constructively. Essentially what matters is not a person's profession or the exact type of work they are engaged in, but rather what they can contribute to others and to their profession out of their own personality. If one has been working in the conscious, humanistic way with the Uranus cycle, then they have been trying to build a real place and function for themselves in society ever since Uranus entered the 7th House. The test is one of creative participation - trying to become personally and socially more efficient in the use of one's creative power. When Uranus reaches the Midheaven, something may happen to make one grow beyond their apparent Saturnian limits. Society may then recognize one's individual capacity to assume collective pawer, and one may even experience a consecration of all their efforts towards this end. When Uranus transits the 11th House, there is a call to take the lead in cultural or social reform, to be the guide towards new colletive goals. A person should dare to look for vaster horizons and give their attention to what may seem unusual or mysterious to most people. Building up one's faith in man's capacity to create a better future, they should interest themselves in forward looking groups or movements. If the 10th House transit led to a real achievement or mastery, then the 11th House transit will point to creative activity of some future-oriented, more-than-personal goal. A person must now prove their worth through the use they make of the power, energy and experience acquired through their social or professional achievement in the 10th House. If the 10th House transit has had negative results, a person is likely to mobilize their rebellious energies against society and against the conditions and people they think are responsible for their failure. There is a danger of destructive experiences and various forms of insanity or escape into an artificial paradise through drugs or alcohol. One may link their destiny to people or groups who desire to express their resentment or hostility. Foolhardy, violent acts and words at this time can lead to negative 12th House experiences. When Uranus transits the 12th House, the impatient search for new social values which began in the 11th House will continue. One must try to identify themselves personally with collective attempts at social reorganization. They can be vested with dramatic responsibilities toward society, and can receive unexpected recompenses for their past achievements. Psychologically, this is the final phase in the cycle of Uranian transformation. Those forces of transformation have been working out what a person is capable of realizing ever since the 1st House beginning of the cycle. They have led to concrete results, both personal and social, during the 10th House transit. Then, in the 11th House, Uranian "action" became most evident. Through the 12th House transit, the impulse to transformation begins to die out. By accepting the failures, as well as the successes, of one's rebellion in the 11th House, the cycle must be brought to a significant conclusion. As Uranus ends its cycle, the need for personal and social transformation is no longer so important. A new need for transformation is looming on the horizon, and it becomes increasingly necessary to change one's orientation. Attention must not be hypnotically focused on one's past success or failure to work with Uranus' transforming energy. They must instead prepare for some new revelation. Like John the Babtist, one must will themselves to be reborn, in spite of the knowledge of their shortcomings and also in spite of their success in some particular set of circumstances established by the cycle now ending. Uranus is the planet of "divine discontent". It makes a person dissatisfied with their achievements and helps them to realize the inadequecy of the methods they have used to arrive at their present condition. In the 12th House, then, Uranus will expand the value of what one has realized by showing that this accomplishment is not an end in itself, but only a first step, a turn of the spiral, leading to ever-greater accomplishments and realizations. One must now gear their consciousness to the means at their disposal to transform and renew their habitual life-pattern. The spiritual essence which has animated the closing cycle is now seeking to be reborn in another form. One will have another chance to express it in a new way, provided the weight of unfulfilled expectations does not obscure one's vision. The Importance of Saturn in an Evaluation of Uranus and Neptune Transits In different ways, both Uranus and Neptune challenge everything that Saturn stands for. If an astrologer does not know the level on which the Saturnian ego of an individual is operating, they can not constructively interpret the progressive challenges of Uranus and Neptune transits throughout the life. The first thing to know about an individual's Saturn is whether it is functioning through an established tradition, culture, or religion of which the individual is only a passive part or whether it operates as an individualizing power. In the first case, the two universal planets can hardly be said to work on an individual basis, for the person is not yet individualized. Their transits will therefore measure external events aiming at the destruction of a limiting Saturn order. Through some form of upheaval the person may be shocked into an effort toward individualization. In the second case, when Saturn represents a strong conscious ego, these outer planets can measure their attempts at individual metamorphoses happening within their personality. In this second case, however, the astrologer must also distinguish between the rigid ego which is still closed to all new things or to whatever does not seem logical and right (while at the same time being proud of that rigidity) and the type of ego consciousness which is firmly structured, but which is also an open window to the world within and without. The complexity of the situation would render it foolish to attempt to outline fixed meanings for the transit cycles of these two outer planets which would be true for everyone. Additionally, when dealing with progressions and transits, the natal chart must be maintained as the most important basis of the astrologer's deductions. Nothing can come from the progressions or transits which is not already present, in seed form, in the birth chart. It is very difficult, moreover, to decide whether a person's Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are likely to manifest in a positive or negative manner in their life. If that person and their birth-chart are well-known, certain tendencies and potentials can be surmised; however, even then the results of their action is always uncertain. One must first study the natal situation, paying particular attention to the Saturn-Uranus and Sun-Uranus aspects. Even if no aspects are found, the astrologer should note the phase of their relationship on the basis established by Rudhyar in The Lunation Cycle. However this must be done in a very particular way. The usual manner of analyzing a phase is to take the aspect made by the faster moving of the two planets to the slower moving planet, as one takes the apects of the Moon to the Sun in the Lunation cycle. This is the valid procedure in both progressions and transits where one is dealing with moving objects. The birth-chart, however, is a structure in space. It represents the archytypal form of an individual for a given lifetime, and thus Rudhyar speaks of it as a mandala. Because of this, aspects can be taken in both directions, and it is no longer a question of which planet is the faster. In other words, if there is a natal square between Sun in Cancer and Uranus in Libre, this square can be analyzed as a "first quarter phase" square of Uranus to Sun, or a "last quarter phase" of Sun to Uranus. In the first case, the person would be trying to find out bow Uranus releases solar power on a universal level, and how a freedom form environmental influences and a crystallized ego-attitude can best be obtained. As it is a first quarter square, it can be concluded that actional crises which occur as one attempts to establish themselves in the community will be the means to bring about a confrontation between universal goals and the means to bring about a confrontation between universal goals and the status quo. In the second case, the astrologer would be studying the mechanisms through which Uranus functions. The waning aspect indicates how the Sun specifically contributes to Uranus's operation within the personality, and the effect of the Sun on all Uranian activity. As this relationship is shown to be a last-quarter square, the transforming Uranian action would be conditioned by the capacity of the solar purpose. This would then precipitate a crisis in consciousness leading to a revision of values and a reconsideration of conscious motives. In terms of our present aim, which is to discover how Uranus might operate in a given life, the Sun should be considered as the "positive" factor and Uranus the "lunar" factor. Thus, its phase relationship to the Sun is that of a first quarter of waxing square. In considering the Saturn-Uranus realtionship, Saturn must be taken as the "positive" or solar factor, and Uranus as the "lunar" factor, because we want to discover how Uranus challenges what Saturn stands for. Therefore, if Saturn is found in Cancer squaring Uranus in Libra, the Uranus challenge would produce crises in action. Such crises test the validity and the strength of a person's Saturnian structural integrity at some level. Circumstances can upset one's sense of security or their place in life accorded them by social standing of their family. Psychologically, things can happen which would shatter their ego-pride and their intellectual concepts, forcing one through experiences that might be painful, to restructure their consciousness to according to new and less limiting values. Such an analysis is, of course, very schematic. It is impossible to give standardized cookbook meanings to planets and aspects which would be true for any and every real-life situation. Furthermore, an astrologer must not limit themselves to only the study of Uranus-Sun and Uranus-Saturn aspects. They must make a complete study of the birth-chart, noticing all the other aspects to Saturn as well. The purpose of mentioning these examples has been to make it clear that the interpretation of the transit cycles of Uranus and Neptune are dependent on the level at which saturn functions in a given case. Going further into detail is not within the scope of this book and would lead too far afield from the subject of transit cyles. This much can be added, however: the oresent crisis between generations is a direct result of the current trend to extol the individual. As each young person tries to "do their own thing", everything which Saturn establishes on social levels, and which is necessary to an orderly, organized social and cultural life, is no longer seen as a positive mold within which to establish one's activities. Saturn can take on the oppressive role of task-master or judge, symbolizing all those external forces which limit one's freedom of action. Of course, if the young person is not at all interested in "doing their thing" and adapts themself harmoniously to the established life-patterns of society, then although Saturn may be "harmonious, it will not be working in an individualized manner. On the other hand, when a person rebels against the collective aspect of Saturn, then Saturn can potentially become an individualized energy force, a symbol of their one's presonal ego-structure. In that case. the Saturn problem in one's life will change. The quality of one's ego-structure will be totally different after they have freed themselves from Saturn's external social rule. They may become a proud individualist, forcing themself onto the world through Mars. One may, on the other hand, manage to remain open to the world and use their Saturnian energy as a focusing lens for Uranian inspirations. Unless this second alternative exists, Uranian and Neptunain crises will strike from without through collective events aimed at changing the Saturnian social order. There will be nothing one can do about it, unless such collective events, revolutions, wars or economic crises awaken one's latent will-power and force them to take a clear individual stand. One cannot determine which of these two alternatives will apply merely by looking at an individual's chart. The Saturn-Uranus Cycle Uranus is the symbol of everything that disrupts the normal patterns of action and reaction, feeling and thought. It is that force in life which obliges a person to realize that world conditions change, and that human needs also become different as a result. Psychological growth necessarily requires a ceaseless process of self-transformation and self-questioning, upsetting one's static ego security. Uranus is a constant reminder that spiritual living is not essentially a lovely, devotional attitude toward lofty ideals and transcendent experiences, but rather the incorporation of a new life-attitude, a new way of meeting the challenges presented in both the outer and inner environment. The contacts between Saturn and Uranus reveal the constructive value of inconsistency. Both social and personal needs change, and an individual who is open to the creative forces of their inner being will, through Uranus, answer these needs with a new attitude or a new kind of behaciour. The challenge to become a greater and more inclusive individual is usually felt at the crucial turning points of this cycle. At such times, the "greater" initially tends to appear as the enemy of the status-quo. Therefore, if the challenge is accepted, one must inevitably break with their traditions on some level of existence. They must become strong enough emotionally to follow a line of thought or action which may not fit into their habitual life-pattern. They must be strong in the faith that the present inconsistency is the threshold of some new order of consistancy for the future. Symbolically, the , one must pit Uranus against Saturn. Habit patterns will always resist change; and when pressure of some creative challenge is felt, the ego will experience a sense of impending doom, generating fear and resisting change. The ego is the Saturnian structure of one's consciousness. It is the expression of one's capacity for consistency of behaviour, and it is the foundation of one's conscious sense of "I". Although a constant ego-structure is obviously necessary, the tendency will be to crystallize such a structure, making it more difficult to adapt to new situations which challenge one's established view-point. The more rigid the ego, the sharper the break must be in the end. If a crucial phase of the Saturn-Uranus cycle coincides with some over-whelming emotional crisis, the cause will always be the rigid inertia of social customs, priveleges, personal habits or assumed behaviour patterns which resist the call of the creative spirit within. A characteristic quality of this present century is precisely this Uranian challenge to everything for which Saturn stands. Everywhere, and in all societies, there is a gradual and sometime violent breakdown of social, religious and cultural forms and customs. This inevitably leads to a breakdown of many egos which are unable to contain the energy fo new, creative forces. For this reason, the current cycles of Uranus and Saturn often have a disrupting effect. The main problem facing each individual during the crusical phases of these cycles is, How can they constructively use the creative Uranian power which is challenging the inertia and security of their ego? As a corollary, one must also face the challenge to contribute wisely to this process of social change which these crucial phases of the Saturn-Uranus cycle measure. It will be important, in either case, to avoid the twin evils of either a dependence on or a return to the past, or an over-radical transformation which would destroy that part of the past which is essential to the future. The Saturn-Uranus cycle spans approximately 45.5 years. There was a triple conjunction in 1897 at 30 degrees Taurus (conjunct the Pliedes). A third triple conjunction will occur in 1988 affecting 27-29 degrees of Sagittarius. The present cycle which began in May 1942 (29 degrees Taurus), is the one affecting people today. Its waxing square was reached on December 8, 192, at 14 degrees Libra-Cancer; on April 18, 195, at 11 degrees Libra-Cancer; and for a third time on October 15, 1952, at 18 degrees of Libra-Cancer. The opposition phase occurred on April 1, 1965, at 12 degrees of Pisces-Virgo; August 29, 1965, at 15 Pisces-Virgo; and a third time on February 24, 1966, at 19 Pisces-Virgo. The waning square was exact twice during October, 1975 on the 4th at 2 degrees Leo-Scorpio and on the 17th at 3 degrees Leo-Scorpio. A third waning square followed on July 2, 1976, at 4 degrees of Leo-Scorpio. At the conjunction Uranus, the rebel, the projector of images and force of divine discontent, will tend to break barriers and pierce wide windows in the fortified walls of an individual's Saturn ego. It arouses a yearning for that which is beyond anything connected with Saturn, and it brings restlessness to those who are inclined to conform to normal social behaviour. Complacency will be upset, as will the feeling that one lives rightly only if and when they conform to the socially established rules of the game. The basic challenge of the Saturn-Uranus conjunction of 1942 to an individual's social status and personal philosphy reached a climax in 1951-52 at the time of the waxing square and a final consummation at the opposition in 1965-66. Great things can happen at these turning points, although perhaps through disturbing or cathartic challenges. At the time of this writing, the waning square phase of this cycle has just passed. The Uranus transformation of personal egos and social class identification, and of habitual and heretofore presumed logical patterns of thought and action, should produce a crisis in consciousness leading to a revision of values and motives. This is a time to correct past mistakes and focus on the future. Thus, one may be better prepared to meet the new creative forces which will be released at the conjunction in 1988. The only way to prepare oneself for the challenges of the Saturn-Uranus cycle is by total acceptance of the fact that resistance to change is always useless in the final analysis and represents a simple refusal to grow psychologically and spiritually. This must not, however, be interpreted to mean that one must accept any and all changes which present themselves. A sense of discrimination must be used. At the same time, however, a person must keep themselves open to any challenge which may lead to a greater maturity by opening the Saturniam ego-structure to the inflow of new and creative energies. The Saturn-Uranus Cycle in the Houses. The natal (or solar) House in which the transiting Saturn-Uranus conjunction falls will indicate the field of experience where one might expect upsets, and where much of what a person preiously thought settled and firm is questioned. The House position also indicates where an individual is most open to and in need of social, spiritual, or psychological transformation. For the duration of the cycle, that particular natal, or solar House will be the focal point for the challenges which life presents to one's ego-inertia and conservatism. The experience of the House will present both the basic problem and the opportunity for its solution. In the 1st House, the current challenge to one's habits and attitude has a personal significance and can lead to restlessness and nervous indecision. There is an impatience with present conditons and a general dissatisfaction with one's self. One wants to feel different, to be another person. Inconsistencies appear in one's behaviour, and people may say that they are not themselves. At this time a person must not lose touch with their personal integrity, no matter what change they wish to introduce into their life. The challenge is to remain firm and centered, even while opening the consciousness to the new, and this can lead to a larger sense of integration and harmony. In the 2nd House, this conjunction can indicate impatience with one's habtual patterns of giving substance and form to their indivduality. A person may no longer be satisfied with their present use of mental abilities or other inherited gifts. Yet a restless search for a new mode of expressing thoughts and feelings can lead to a hasty repudiation of something one has danger here is of casting aside something which will be necessary later as a foundation for a new departure. In the 3rd House, it may be necessary to learn that logic and know-how are a means rather than an end in themselves. It is advantageous to have a well-ordered daily schedule and relate to the environment in an organized manner, provided one's mind remains daring enough to create. Unsure egos and literal minds, people who cling to social and taditional standards, may find this transit upsetting. Any current feeling of mal-adjustment to the environment means that one must now get out of a rut to avoid battering circumstances. In the 4th House, this conjunction will be experienced on the level where a person feels most comfortably secure, either in their home or in their strongest convictions. That is the place to begin one's self-renewal. Challenges will enable one to grow stronger provided they are willing to doubt the absolute certainty of their present foundations. What happens will often unsettle everything that was firmly established. There may be a change of residence or a desire to modernize one's home. Young people may break away from the security and influence of their parents, hopefully without repudiating them too violently. In the 5th House, a personal crisis involving the development of one's creative capacities can arise at this time. One's pride in past accomplishments may be rudely shocked. If the ego is open to inspiration and ready to allow the greater life to act through them,then one's creative self-expression will gain in meaning. It will be better to risk all and lose than to stagnate in fear. In the 6th House, a stimulation of the will to be renewed and of the power to accomplish reforms will be felt. What one sets in motion now can enable them to achieve real personal maturity. One should learn new ways of doing things or circumstances may oblige them to do so. The more ready one is to welcome change - on the job, in one's daily routine, in their diet, or in some other manifestation or self-discpline - the more likely they will avoid ill-health or some un-necessary psychological crisis. A person should not be afraid to experiment and to seek new techniques in living. In the 7th House, there is a call for love which will transfigure the narrow and petty limitations of one's purely egocentric attitudes. This is the time to forget one's habitual patterns of relating to others. A person should break out of their narrow circle of acquaintances, meet new people, and overcome the fear which has formed a barrier to accepting the social opportunities which arise. Personal security should not be placed above one's interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, it would be unwise to throw convention to the winds or try to overcome one's fear of others by aggressively breaking in where angels fear to tread. In the 8th House, one's individualistic and perhaps ego-centric use of social power or inherited wealth may recieve a rude shock followiing this conjunction. It is no longer possible to feel the same way about the fruits of one's business activities or intimate relationships. Although one need not break relationships or leave their business, their attitude toward them is in need of revision, as are expectations of the value they anticipate they will produce. In the 9th House, the Saturn-Uranus conjunction can indicate a time when conditions are ripe for a clean break with religious or social traditions. Uranus offers the opportunity for religious conversion, calling one to wider horizons and helping them see the value of their relationships in a new light. A person should head this call if they want to avoid upsets. A long journey may be at the center of the situation. In the 10th House, one arrives at a critical turning-point in their career, aften brought on by restless dissatisfaction and yearning for change. One should not act on sudden impulse, but only after having weighed the objective needs of the situation or of the people involved in a disspassionate manner. A person must clearly understand the relationship which exists between the objective situation and their own past actions. This applies equally to their contacts with individuals and with society at large. Only through an understanding of this relationship of past to present will the future trend be determined. In the 11th House, one should question their cherished ideals and social connections and consider inaugurating a new way of life. This is the time to grow beyond conventional patterns of behaviour and stress individual qualities rather than class standards. On the other hand, there is not point in forcing issues or rushing into projects which are too risky or impractical. If conventional friendships are holding one back, they should not be afraid to break them if such a decision might lead to a participation in a spiritually and socially more significant type of life. In the 12th House, the desire to make a break with some karmic condition which seems excessively binding, or to free oneself from the set of conditions which holds one to an established social or spiritual pattern may be very compelling and can lead to explosive behaviour Yet, making a sudden and forceful break without understanding the meaning of past experiences will not enable one to start a new cycle in a constructive manner. A synthesis of the past, of the results of one's social and professional success and failure, and also the methods employed to attain those results, must now be built into a seed for the future cycle. A person must seek the inspiration and the vision necessary to shape all these conditions inherited from the past into new ends, ideally at a higher level of activity. The Jupiter-Uranus Cycle The division of the 84-year Uranus cycle into seven 12-year periods establishes a correspondence with the 11.8 year cycle of Jupiter. This relationship of Jupiter to Uranus also manifests in what Rudhyar calls the "Great Cycle of Uranus" which lasts approxiamately 1004 years (12 revolutions of Uranus around the Sun). If one multiplies the Jupiter cycle by the Uranus cycle (11.4x84) the total is 991. In Rudhyar's view, this Great Cycle of Uranus, which is very close to a millenium, is the archetypal cycle of the process of Civilization as it affects the entire humnan species. Multiples of several of the cycles linking the outer planets add up to a number close to a millenium. Two Neptune-Pluto cycles total approxiamately 984 2/3 years; twenty-two Saturn-Uranus cycles comprise 998 years. Every time Uranus conjoins Jupiter, a new trend toward social, cultural,religious and psychological transformation begins in the world. The challenge is, of course, worldwide and addressed to all nations and all forms of social organization. At that time, changes in the world conditions become necessary and everyone must participate in them. The House in which these conjunctions fall identifies the circumstances or experiences in which it will be necessary to introduce changes in behaviour, feeling and thought. Also, the House position indicates how one may be able to play a significant part in the impending transformation. In other words, the natal (or solar) House in which the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus falls determines the principle focus of those challenges to the accepted cultural values for the next fourteen years (the duration of the cycle). However much the challenges appear to be external, and however much physical energy may be demanded to meet them, what the conjunctions actually instigate is a rebellion against one's own bondage to the values which condition one's personal behaviour and viewpoint. The challenge will not be met if one simply tries to adapt outwardly to the new circumstances. There must be an inner change in order to grow as an individual. The impact of these opportunities for growth will reach a critical phase at this time of the waxing square, and will culminate at the opposition, when the full meaning of what was at stake can finally become clear. At that time one may simply discover that they have not been able to orient themselves properly to the challenging events or inner realizations born at the conjunction. At the opposition an attempt must be made to view the confrontation and experiences which have developed in a truely objective light, unemotionally and with complete intellectual honesty. Then in the waning half of the cycle, a critical revaluation of purpose will occur at the "last quarter" square. It will unfold on the basis of what one has understood, evaluated, and fully accepted at the opposition. The Jupiter-Uranus Cycle in the Houses The natal or solar House in which this conjunction falls every fourteen years will indicate the area of life in which one may expect to find Uranian transformation on one's Jupiter social sense. In this individualized application of the cycle, one should also note the Houses in which to oppostion and the waxing and waning squares fall. In the 1st House, this conjunction indicates that the new trend toward social and psychological transformation can find a channel for expression in a personal way. One will be challenged to change some aspect of the social, cultural or religious fields which particularly interest one and in which they can play a significant role. New social or religious trends or economic opportunities (perhaps even political openings) can now radically transform the quality and the implications of the personality. A new popularity can lead to personal expansion, provided one does not set out too recklessly on some revolutionary path. The personality should radiate a dynamic enthusiasm, although fanatacism should be avoided. The creative forces of the spirit are forever seeking expressions and one should be prepared to overcome the conservative limitations of their habitual conscious attitude and allow these forces to reorient their ego. In the 2nd House, new trends in the social and economic fields can stir a person to develop latent resources. The conjunction will signal a revision of ancestral and inherited prejudices of traditions. One should not burn old bridges too ruthlessly, however, because the matter confronting them now is not as simple as one may have thought. Important financial developments, which may be unexpected if not actually unfavourable, are likely. A person should take a fresh look at what they have inherited, both materially and psychologically, discovering new ways to use what they have in order to affirm their personal uniqueness of being. In the 3rd House, experiences can test one;s willingness to meet the trials of daily life with more expansiveness and enthusiasm. One should be open to inpirations which could lead to better adjustment to circumstances. Some relative or influential neighbor can be responsible for an important change. The strong personality may release a compelling and regenerative vision capable of transforming the environment. Any kind of writing and intellectual activity is favoured. The more one is dedicated to a work transcending one's own personality, the more brilliance and originality the mind should have. In the 4th House, important developments can take place in one's home life, or in one's manner of emotional expressionOne feels better able to establish themself on broader foundations, provided they are able to break with family traditons and personal fears. Experiences at this time can move one to the very depths of their being and can force a person to exteriorize feelings long held within the subconscious. Real estate matters may prove to be particularly exciting. In the 5th House, great speculative vision can enable one to take a more creative and inspiring approach to anything dealing with self-expression, education or love. Some people however, will have to watch their emotional impulses lest they become carried away. Events may be thrilling; romance and speculation can captivate; however, there is also a danger of losing all sense of perspective. One can take a chance, but only if their foundations are good. Rich experiences, and especially an intensification of one's deepest psychological and spiritual nature, can bring revelations to the artist, the true mystic, and also to the humanistic astrologer. In the 6th House, unusual work opportunities may appeal. One may be exceptionally enthusiastic about their job or th cause they serve. One should apply themself with zeal and not be afraid to learn new techiques or to change their established line of work or daily routine. What is needed most is an eagerness to learn new things, to improve oneself technically and psychologically, even if this entails a crisis. A powerful social or religious influence can bring great inspiration, if a person is not afraid of the unusual. t this time a person should act with the greatest sense of spiritual dedication they can muster. In the 7th House, interpersonal relationships of an intimate character or of great importance to one's social progress can exert an inspiational influence. One must be willing to learn new lessons in cooperation and sharing which should take the place of persoanl ambition and possesiveness. In some cases, an influential partner may push one to expand, perhaps too forcefully and hastily. One should not be afraid to change their relationships if the opportunity arises, since what now comes through others may be highly stimulating. The strong personality can now act truly as a reformer in their relationships and set in motion activities of a socially and spiritually significant nature.. Traditional attitudes and crystallized habits must be questioned and nothing taken for granted, in oneself or in others, if one would progress constructively. In the 8th House, the challenge of Jupiter-Uranus is to approach one's business life and everything that results from one's relationships (especially marriage) in a freer and more imaginative manner. There may be a need for changes or new partnerships, or else present circumstances may bring one in touch with unusual social conditions or groups working along untried paths. One's career can benefit from such unfamilier contacts. In some cases, there may be the possiblity of unexpectedly large gains through inheritance which might enable one to enlarge the scope of their social or business activities. In the 9th House, the time has come to widen one's interest through travel, philosophical or religious study, and to develop new mental or spiritual faculties. One might meet people of importance on a long journey who bring a great deal of inspiration to their life. Stirring messages may arrive either through the mail or from within one's own awakened consciousness. The can compel one to dissolve mayn of their inhibitions and to develop a new form of social expression. A person should try to achieve the most universal viewpoint possible without setting off too recklessly upon revolutionary paths. One should try and keep themself in contct with their real and concrete base of operations, as they can now be easliy be overwhelmed by thoughts or ideals which are essentially foreign to their nature. Constructive expansion - spiritually, psychologically or socially - will depend on how objectively one views their true place and capacity. In this way a person's desires for achievement may be based on reality instead of dreams. In the 10th House, this transit may signal a high tide period in one's career or public life. They may receive some striking spiritual or professional inspiration which can lead to new authority and responsibilities. Strong regenerative urges bring radical changes in one's social or professional environment. This can be a time of public consecration of all one has worked for both socially and spiritually. Society may at last recognize the value of one's individual contributions. Grandiloquent gestures, however, are to be avoided. A uniquely personal ambition to increase one's public standing can put one on the spot. On the other hand, the socially or politically oriented individual could now use their public prestige and position in order to further the social transformations revealed necessary at this time. In the 11th House, a revolutionary trend requires changes on social, political and economic levels. When this conjunction falls in the 11th House, a person is asked to align themselves with new ideals and aspirations affecting the larger social issues of the times. They are called to support those people or groups who are actively working toward the needed transformations. An expanded social consciousness can result from the company of a friend of wealth or social accomplishment who urges one on. In the 12th House, the challenge is to develop a more creative and imaginative attitude toward one's past and one's community. Psychologically, social or religious complexes may now come to the surface and dominate one's behaviour. Such an occurrence will undoubtedly be strenuous; however it can give one an opportunity to see what is really happening in their innermost nature and thereby to transform it consciously. A person should open themself to the inner voice, trying to expand their consciousness through introspection or meditation. Important messages may come through people who have spiritual gifts, or through one's own awakened psychic faculties. On material levels, a person may receive unexpected rewards for services rendered in the past. Anyone able to divorce the past and break through their traditional, racial molds of consciousness can now take an important step forward. mindfirelogo