If we picture the orbits of the planets as concentric spheres around the sun, the orbit of Mercury is the first sphere through which the out-surging solar power radiates as it spreads throughout the solar system. Mercury thus represents the first planetary adaptation or specialization of solar power. It refracts, as it were, the one, homogeneous solar stream into two facets or rays. Thus, out of the unitary solar purpose, duality is born.  

For human beings on Earth, mind and consciousness arise and develop on the basis of just such a duality, for in order to be aware, 'I' must perceive an 'other' who (or which) is 'not I.' Mercury symbolizes this primordial perception of duality, and once it occurs the function of Mercury is forever to try to link the two at the mental level.

Mercury's realm is the sphere of perceptions and ideas, of words which symbolize experience and minds which try to integrate experience into a meaningful whole. Thus Mercury symbolizes gathering data and information, knowing, formulating at the verbal level, communicating, listening, and rational decision-making.

Fleet as the quicksilver intellect which it symbolizes, fickle as an easily changeable mind, Mercury's functional activities can be misapplied. Negative applications of what Mercury represents include equivocating, rationalizing, intellectual superficiality, blabbing on and on, and disorganized eclecticism.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Thoughts are expressed clearly and impartially.

Symbol: An art museum curator discusses the merits of his acquisitions.

Mercury in Libra gives a flair for knowing what to say, the savoir faire to say it gracefully, and an easygoing air of assurance that one’s words will be well received. This individual will attend to the fine points of a literary or artistic production because they can see how each detail enhances the whole picture.

They think in terms of balancing related groups of elements so that one compliments the rest. Their mind is less concerned with particulars than with the overall patterns which endow individual forms with value and significance.

Mercury, an airy planet, blends agreeably with airy Libra. The charm bestowed by Libra’s ruler Venus, lends a soft glow to Mercury’s somewhat stark intellectuality, while exalted Saturn adds the weight of authority. As a result, head and heart cooperate in assessing the worth of things. A person with Mercury in Libra would be likely to agree with the poet Keats who wrote:

Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all

Ye know on earth and all ye need to know.

The Sun and Mercury conjoined in Libra encourage artistic accomplishment. A contemplative intellect modified by balanced judgment gives polished expression to abstract ideas. Music, writing, oratory, and the arts which rely upon the mastery of the traditional laws of form are usually preferred to the more unstructured modes of self-expression.       

The main problem encountered by the Mercurial-Libran is indecisiveness. They have a proclivity to depend upon accredited opinions and then be torn between disputing factions, each one claiming to have an option on the truth. Vacillation may stem from the desire to consider all possible alternatives impartially as their divided mind is torn between the conflicting testimonies of so-called authorities.  

This is a fortuitous combination for professions which require the ability to function cooperatively. It can make for a polished and persuasive speaker with considerable organizational ability but not much liking for physical work. The mind is facile and flexible, but the manner in which it is employed depends largely on the people with whom one chooses to associate. 


Sun in Virgo / Mercury in Libra

Hastiness, a sense of urgency, and to a certain extent nervous tension, are all eased here, and the ability to unwind is also present. The attitude to life and its problems will be quite calm, with less Virgoan worry, although sometimes the powerful critical acumen of Virgo will cause undue carping or even nagging at loved ones. But there will be a sense of fairness, and partners should learn to appeal to it. Indecisiveness must be recognized and countered.  


Sun in Libra / Mercury in Libra

This tends to make the Libran more indecisive and often mentally lazy sometimes giving the erroneous impression of a lack of intelligence. If there is a lack of self-confidence, laziness will be feigned as a cover-up. One should weigh up every aspect of a situation before reaching conclusions. Gentle encouragement from parents to children with this combination, making quite sure they realize they have made progress, is important if intellectual potential is to be developed; nagging will have an adverse effect.

Procrastination will be a problem especially for loved ones.  


Sun in Scorpio / Mercury in Libra

This takes some of the harsh, deeply incisive edge off the Scorpio Sun sign traits, and gives the ability to listen sympathetically. There is greater flexibility of thought, so stubbornness is less of a problem. Popular and charming, the subject is likely to communicate well. The tendency to brood, especially over personal problems, is not as apparent, since the individual will find it easier to talk to friends and loved ones.

The mind works well but in a relaxed way.  


Astrology, the Divine Science

