
Venus is the second sphere through which solar power passes on its way outward through the solar system. Yet from our point of view on earth, Venus is the first planet on the inside of our orbit going towards the sun. As such Venus represents the drive inward toward center, which meets the out-surging solar flow.

While Mercury represents meeting experience at the level of the mind, Venus refers to the inner value we give experience at the feeling-level. It is often said that Venus is the planet of love and attraction, but it can just as well be the planet of hate and repulsion, according to the inner value we give to certain experiences. Venus' loves and aversions draw us into some experiences, and pull us away from others. Those we enter into provide the substance for our inner growth and fulfillment.

Ideally, Venus represents harmony, for if we are attuned with our inner being, we naturally attract what will help develop and fulfill us. This meshing of a need with what will answer it is the true harmony Venus symbolizes. Venus can thus be a symbol of all harmonious relationships, of beauty, and of our need to give and receive appreciation.

But when the Venus function becomes deviated by insecurity, it can negatively refer to self-indulgence, narcissism, inappropriate emotional frivolity and unrealistic demands for love or luxury.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Affections are serious but restrained.

Symbol: A beautiful woman buttons herself into an old-fashioned dress.

Although Venus is in many ways agreeably situated in Capricorn, people born with this configuration have some very contradictory impulses to resolve. Much depends on whether the higher or lower side of the combination prevails. If Saturn’s chill hardens the heart and restricts the Venusian capacity for love, then this position can betray the calculating ambition of one who marries for money and trades on sentiment for the sake of personal gain. A need to fortify the ego by surrounding it with possessions of demonstrable value crushes the tender emotions of Venus under the wheels of the Capricornian drive for power. Sexual inhibitions may grow out of fears instilled by strict social taboos, or there may be a rather mechanical approach to sex in which erotic techniques are substituted for the simple capacity to love.       

When well aspected, Venus in Capricorn is loyal, trustworthy, and steadfast. Feelings may be more profoundly experienced as a result of being held in reserve and not wasted in casual demonstrations of affection. Sometimes a desire for security, combined with a fear of being rebuffed, delays marriage and tempers ardor with caution. One way or another, love is hedged round with practical considerations. The necessity for restraint, although frustrating in youth, pays unexpected dividends as the years pass. Saturn needs time to mellow before it can show itself at its best.

Men of this type tend to be self-abnegating and their romantic impulses are subordinated to their professional duties. Such men wed for a variety of practical reasons but, in reality, their first love is their work. Often their wives help them in their business, a practice which may benefit both marriage and career.

In the lives of immature people or of those driven mainly by physical appetites, this blending of influences can have a coarsening effect. Venus panders to the senses while Saturn hardens the ego, intensifying the materiality of an earth planet in an earth sign. For mature individuals, this same position can be remarkably productive. It gives a sense of order and proportion which contributes to the success of their endeavors in whatever field they make their own. If a thing is to be done at all, they will take the time and care to see that it is done right.

Venus in Capricorn translates personal affections into emotional discipline. True love must have time to grow. It endures patiently, suffers uncomplainingly, and remains faithful to the finish. Ultimately, this abiding devotion justifies all the vicissitudes of a life lived for others, and serves as an example of the highest moral precepts held forth by the teachers of the race.


Sun in Scorpio / Venus in Capricorn

This links the deep intensity and passion of Scorpio with the cool calculation of Capricorn. Here are people who will get what they want, but may not consider a partner's feelings carefully or sympathetically. They are demanding friends who will encourage others in their ambitions. Ruthlessness in all areas of life must be countered. Business - and moneymaking abilities are excellent.  


Sun in Sagittarius / Venus in Capricorn

This calms the passion of Sagittarius, and the love life is taken seriously. The subject is thoughtful and fairly constant (more so than other members of this Sun sign), but there can be conflict between the Sagittarian need for freedom of expression within a relationship and the Capricorn urge to do the right thing. Here is a friend who enjoys demanding challenges. Financial growth can occur through clever and calculated risk-taking.


Sun in Capricorn / Venus in Capricorn

Faithfulness and loyalty join with a reserved expression of feeling. The characteristics of Venus in Capricorn (see left) will be very evident. Ambition for material progress must not be so great that the partner and children are neglected as a result.


Sun in Aquarius / Venus in Capricorn

The very independent Aquarian lifestyle will cause a reluctance to be committed to an emotional relationship. The romantic tendencies often present in this Sun sign may be suppressed. The impression given is cool and distant, but there are magnetic powers of attraction. Here is a good, faithful friend but someone who will be difficult to know really well. The management of finances may or may not be good, so a balance is needed.


Sun in Pisces / Venus in Capricorn

The blending of earth (Capricorn) and water (Pisces) is excellent, since Venus will help steady the gush of Piscean emotion. If a practical approach to love can be achieved there should be no conflict, but the coolness of Venus must be recognized as a positive factor, helping to channel and give an element of caution and common sense in this sphere of life. Here is a kind friend who will offer plenty of sensible suggestions when called upon to help. There will be some fiscal ability but, if Mercury is also in Pisces, professional financial advice is to be recommended.


Astrology, the Divine Science

