Solar 1  THE SUN  

As the Sun's radiance both animates and illumines life on Earth, the Sun has long been a universal symbol of life energy, vitality and consciousness. As the unifying power center of the solar system it also symbolizes the focusing power of will and the conscious purpose directing will toward performing specific acts.

The types of activities solar power animates are represented by the Moon and the planets. The symbolic situation is similar to what happens when we try to harness physical solar energy for practical purposes on Earth. Solar energy pervades the biosphere, but we can't plug a toaster into a sunbeam. Unless solar energy is concentrated in a specific way, at a particular time and place, it is too diffuse and unfocused for practical use.

The power of the Sun similarly pervades the entire solar system. The Sun's magnetic field apparently emanates from its Northern Hemisphere and stretches out in every direction. The solar wind carries a stream of charged particles through interplanetary space, reaching to the orbit of Saturn (and perhaps Pluto). Somewhere on the fringes of interstellar space, the stream reverses itself and returns toward the Sun's Southern Hemisphere. The Moon and the planets (including the Earth) each represent one kind of concentration, specialization or adaptation of the solar tide, one focusing direction of purpose and will.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The power of individuality manifests through appreciation of values.

Symbol: A country squire surveys his land and livestock.  

Taureans are generally content with the simple pleasures of life, such as good food, a comfortable home, and a satisfying sexual relationship. Of all the zodiacal representatives they are best attuned to Earth and its creatures. They understand children, animals, and plant-life, frequently being possessors of the proverbial 'green thumb'. Their talent for making things grow can also apply to money.        

Taureans relish comfort, but they seldom seek luxury for the sake of display, as Leonians tend to do. They want to feel that objects that are accumulated are of personal worth and of practical as well as sentimental value.

Whatever their occupation, the Taurean is slow, steady, and reliable in their work. They take pride in the high quality of their products and insist upon using the strongest materials, the finest ingredients, and the most appropriate methods to ensure long life and satisfactory service.

Taureans can be found in any profession but they are most likely to prosper as builders, farmers, merchants, financiers, and dealers in art and real estate. Women often hold jobs related to beautification, and are well suited to be homemakers. Both sexes tend to be physically attractive and are often admired for their pleasing voices.

Taurean city-dwellers need an occasional return to rustic surroundings in order to renew their spirits through communion with the forces of the elements.

On the negative side, Taurean conservatism can deteriorate into stodginess, orthodoxy into inertia, and determination into obstinacy. The low-grade Taurean can be the most unabashedly materialistic of all zodiacal types, bartering their soul for money, sex, and comfort.          

Most Taureans have a lesson to learn with regard to their body. Those who have attained physical control are endowed with robust constitutions, magnetic attractiveness, and the power to heal. Theirs is the redemptive work of invigorating living cells with vibrant health, and of illuminating the world of matter by nourishing the light that exists within all forms. Taureans endeavor to construct a heaven on earth through the fullest possible utilization of the resources given for humanity and all creatures to enjoy.


Astrology, the Divine Science

