Solar 1  THE SUN  

As the Sun's radiance both animates and illumines life on Earth, the Sun has long been a universal symbol of life energy, vitality and consciousness. As the unifying power center of the solar system it also symbolizes the focusing power of will and the conscious purpose directing will toward performing specific acts.

The types of activities solar power animates are represented by the Moon and the planets. The symbolic situation is similar to what happens when we try to harness physical solar energy for practical purposes on Earth. Solar energy pervades the biosphere, but we can't plug a toaster into a sunbeam. Unless solar energy is concentrated in a specific way, at a particular time and place, it is too diffuse and unfocused for practical use.

The power of the Sun similarly pervades the entire solar system. The Sun's magnetic field apparently emanates from its Northern Hemisphere and stretches out in every direction. The solar wind carries a stream of charged particles through interplanetary space, reaching to the orbit of Saturn (and perhaps Pluto). Somewhere on the fringes of interstellar space, the stream reverses itself and returns toward the Sun's Southern Hemisphere. The Moon and the planets (including the Earth) each represent one kind of concentration, specialization or adaptation of the solar tide, one focusing direction of purpose and will.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The power of individuality manifests through transcendence.

Symbol: A chameleon hides among a mass of flowers.

Pisces is the sign of make-believe, but frequently its world of the imagination reflects the essence of things more meaningfully than the mundane situations which constitute the solid substance of everyday living. People strongly influenced by this sign love the theater and appreciate the saying, 'All the world's a stage'. Their sense of the dramatic gives them a yen to take on constantly changing roles and to adopt a succession of disguises - sometimes even to the point of forgetting their true nature.

Pisceans excel in music, dancing, poetry, cinematography, and the arts in general, although many of them also do well in businesses in which they can remain in the background pulling the strings which induce others to perform. Since Pisceans can be unambitious and easily influenced, they may be shunted into uncongenial lines of endeavor. However, if they can express their esthetic proclivities, they thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to shine.

Talented, temperamental Pisceans make entertaining companions, for they have a knack for creating an aura of glamour in the plainest of settings. As children they like to play ‘dressup’, and thoughout their lives most of them would rather wear costumes than ordinary clothes, and fancy themselves to be lords and ladies in disguise.

The natives of watery Pisces can be as variable as the sea. Emotionally, many of them dwell in a shifting realm of miraculous metamorphosis, teary mists, rainbows, reflections, froth, foam bubbles, and rosy clouds at sunset lit by the incandescent rays of a fading Sun. This can also be a sea of turbulent waves, tricky currents, and treacherous undertows, or even of death and dissolution. Like the ocean, Pisces is less gentle than it seems. However, most natives of this sign are quiet folk who love that which is elusive and evanescent.

Pisceans are sensitive and sympathetic. Often they are profoundly religious, but in a mystical rather than an orthodox way. They minister to humans, animals, and flowers with compassionate concern. The broad spectrum of their interests also include the supernatural, and one of their paramount traits is a love of the mysterious. Pisceans are frequently found in spiritualistic groups and may be more mediumistic than they themselves realize. They are prone to act on hunches and to seek inner guidance. They sense that there are other spheres of being, or at least that this one has unrealized dimensions. Consequently, they can be distracted by an awareness of subliminal sounds and sensations, and may need to learn to concentrate on matters of practical concern.

The main problem associated with the Piscean temperament is that of finding a direction in life. Too often these people will drift with the current with no guarantee that this current will take them to any worthwhile destination. The resulting uncertainty leaves them feeling vulnerable and anxious. Then they turn to drugs and alcohol, or to anything grandiose, vague, and unsound that dissolves their sense of estrangement. Pisceans should beware of artificial stimulants which can quickly set them awash with self-pitying sentimentality. Their bodies can seldom afford the price of entry into a spurious paradise, and any physical imbalance quickly affects their minds.

While they need to keep their schedules fluid and to feel that they are immersed in something greater than themselves, they must realize that there can be constructive as well as destructive forms of escape. Some Pisceans find solace in art, movies, and the world of theater; others in religion and philanthropy.

Pisceans may be temporarily confused or bemused, deluded or disillusioned, yet they still aspire to convert the casements of their consciousness into wide picture windows. When members of this sign succeed in a material way, their rise to fame may be spectacular, as in the case of many movie stars including Elizabeth Taylor. However, the majority of Pisceans find their deepest satisfactions in unassuming activities away from prying eyes.

The highest types of Pisceans are seekers of spiritual illumination. This is sometimes called ‘the sign of bondage’. However it is also a sign which promises freedom, because a person must become aware that they are bound before they can make the effort to be free. Since Pisces marks the close of the cycle which began so energetically in Aries, many natives of this sign consciously endeavor to find the way out of the maze of earthly existence. According to esoteric tradition, Pisces symbolizes the redemption of matter and the release of the imprisoned soul into a higher state of being.

Even when the Piscean fails in their efforts to shed the illusions which bind them to a world of suffering and pain, they never quite forget their dreams of a kingdom that is not of this world. They feel themselves to be the eternal pilgrim whose mission is expressed in the words of the ancient invocation:


May I be led

From darkness to light.

From the unreal to the real,

From death to immortality.


Astrology, The Divine Science

