Solar 1  THE SUN  

As the Sun's radiance both animates and illumines life on Earth, the Sun has long been a universal symbol of life energy, vitality and consciousness. As the unifying power center of the solar system it also symbolizes the focusing power of will and the conscious purpose directing will toward performing specific acts.

The types of activities solar power animates are represented by the Moon and the planets. The symbolic situation is similar to what happens when we try to harness physical solar energy for practical purposes on Earth. Solar energy pervades the biosphere, but we can't plug a toaster into a sunbeam. Unless solar energy is concentrated in a specific way, at a particular time and place, it is too diffuse and unfocused for practical use.

The power of the Sun similarly pervades the entire solar system. The Sun's magnetic field apparently emanates from its Northern Hemisphere and stretches out in every direction. The solar wind carries a stream of charged particles through interplanetary space, reaching to the orbit of Saturn (and perhaps Pluto). Somewhere on the fringes of interstellar space, the stream reverses itself and returns toward the Sun's Southern Hemisphere. The Moon and the planets (including the Earth) each represent one kind of concentration, specialization or adaptation of the solar tide, one focusing direction of purpose and will.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The power of individuality manifests through creative self-expression.

Symbol: A richly robed king sitting on a throne raises his golden scepter.

Leo, like the Sun, must shine. As lord of the heavens, the Sun sheds life-giving rays on all who move within its orb of influence. The dominion of the Sun over Leo is so complete that no other planet is in its exaltation or fall in this sign. This undisputed autonomy is reflected in the single-mindedness of many Sun-Leo people who know what they want out of life and purposefully set about to obtain it.       

0rganization is essential, for they need control in their life. With the slightest encouragement, their organizational ability will spill over into the disordered lives of others. Their worst fault is in assuming they always know best. They may also be extremely dogmatic, and so must cultivate a flexible mind and respect for others’ opinions. The characteristic Leonine warmth, generosity and desire to understand others can then be fully indulged.     

A powerfully creative urge is present and must be expressed; otherwise a great deal of potential may be wasted. Leos must live life to the full, and like to see others doing so as well. They have an inner Sun that not only illuminates their own life and activity, but also lights up the lives of others.

Domination of partners is a possibility that cannot be underestimated. Leos are surprisingly sensitive, and can be hurt very easily -– partly because they are often emotionally idealistic. They can also take criticism very much to heart. Exuberant enjoyment and pleasure are gained from sex, but Leos don’t like their love to be rough and ready. They almost demand to be wined, dined and then seduced in luxury…


Astrology, the Divine Science

