Solar 1  THE SUN  

As the Sun's radiance both animates and illumines life on Earth, the Sun has long been a universal symbol of life energy, vitality and consciousness. As the unifying power center of the solar system it also symbolizes the focusing power of will and the conscious purpose directing will toward performing specific acts.

The types of activities solar power animates are represented by the Moon and the planets. The symbolic situation is similar to what happens when we try to harness physical solar energy for practical purposes on Earth. Solar energy pervades the biosphere, but we can't plug a toaster into a sunbeam. Unless solar energy is concentrated in a specific way, at a particular time and place, it is too diffuse and unfocused for practical use.

The power of the Sun similarly pervades the entire solar system. The Sun's magnetic field apparently emanates from its Northern Hemisphere and stretches out in every direction. The solar wind carries a stream of charged particles through interplanetary space, reaching to the orbit of Saturn (and perhaps Pluto). Somewhere on the fringes of interstellar space, the stream reverses itself and returns toward the Sun's Southern Hemisphere. The Moon and the planets (including the Earth) each represent one kind of concentration, specialization or adaptation of the solar tide, one focusing direction of purpose and will.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The power of individuality manifests through knowledge.

Symbol: A youth skips lightheartedly off to school.  

People born with the Sun in Gemini have an innate desire to communicate and to establish lines of connection between similar things. Since the Geminian is clever enough to realize that limitless knowing would lead into a maze of unimaginable - and therefore unmanageable - complexity, they impose order upon the chaos of the palpable world by drawing artificial guidelines. Having reduced the space/time continuum to relative terms, they feel assured that they have caught the whole globe in their net. They can pinpoint their direction of travel and describe it to others in comprehensible terms.

They grasp logical relationships but may lack sensitivity to the climate of feelings that fills the interstices of demonstrable facts. Ultimately, the Geminian must discard their mathematical and grammatical constructs in order to see life whole again, and to realize that when the building is complete, the scaffolding can go.

People born in this companionable sign often engage in pursuits designed to make people more aware of one another and of their environment. Their natural fields are writing, broadcasting, and teaching, although they are often drawn into work involving computers and electronic signaling devices. Not only can they link chains of ideas but they enjoy making contact with mentally stimulating people. They are capable go-betweens because of their interest in practically everything. The word 'interest' derives from the Latin roots inter and esse meaning 'to put oneself in the middle,' and this is precisely what the Geminian likes to do.

All aspects of knowledge fascinate the Geminian. They can turn from one diversion to another with the agility of a hummingbird flitting from flower to flower and sipping a drop of nectar from each, without actually alighting anywhere. They want to see, touch, and taste each new wonder and then take flight again. Change and excitement make them feel alive. They hate the thought of being left-out or overlooked and cannot tolerate boredom or the thought of mental stagnation.

Geminian's virtues and vices are all of a piece. If they spread themselves too thin, they risk becoming shallow. They need to beware of stereotyped ways of thinking and of assuming that intellect alone can solve their problems. They are apt to be high-strung, to leave their thoughts hanging in mid-air, and to become nervously depleted by constantly fluttering hither and yon.

The weakest point of this sign is lack of warmth, for despite their vivacity, the typical Geminian is basically unemotional. They can see what makes people think without feeling any real empathy for them. This intellectual detachment may be the price they pay for their grasp of the mechanics of behavior. Having arrived at the logical conclusion the universe has a use for pain, they may forget how bad it feels to be hurt.

The Geminian's attention span is notoriously short. When they tire of one task, they renew themselves by turning elsewhere. They usually keep several projects going simultaneously, jumping from one to another and back again.   

Many Geminians do very well working in the media and are also the natural salespeople of the zodiac, doing well in department stores, advertising and as commercial travelers. Their need for change and variety must definitely not be ignored: predictable routine is inimical them. So is solitary work, but at least when they acquire a lonely top job, they will still listen to former colleagues, although this doesn’t mean that their advice will be always be accepted… A full and free interchange of ideas, and the batting to and fro of different opinions, is important.

In business, Geminians can be highly shrewd and cunning, and if they apply these characteristics to making money they often do extremely well, although sometimes a faulty decision, perhaps too hastily made, will result in financial setbacks. This is not an overly ambitious sign, but the Gemini imagination will happily enjoy success before it is actually achieved, which acts as an incentive.

Continual change is a way of life for Geminians, as their chief fear in life is being bored, they will continually find new ways of keeping themselves amused. If they don’t then their nearest and dearest must, at the slightest sign of twitchiness, do it for them. They don’t have time for leisure – every moment is filled with activity, even if that is just writing or conversation.      

The thought of retirement shouldn’t dismay them, because there are many interests they want to pursue, when they eventually find the time...

Although not necessarily strong, these people are almost certainly wiry and apparently perpetually young, so should not have too much trouble with their health. Any difficulties that do arise may perhaps be for psychological rather than physical reasons – Geminians have vast amounts of nervous energy that must be burned off. They are usually too individual really to enjoy team games, and they can quickly grow bored with the strict routine of formal exercise. The best solution is to join a health club but to use it in combination with other, individual, forms of exercise, such as running, jogging, walking, squash and tennis.          

Gemini rules the lungs, and Sun sign Geminians must watch carefully for signs of breathlessness, or when a cold goes to their chests. It is vital that, if possible, they should refrain from smoking, which, while bad for everybody, is particularly lethal for them. They thrive best on a light diet of fresh salads and fruit, fish and white meat.


Astrology, the Divine Science

