As the Sun's radiance both animates and illumines life on Earth, the Sun has long been a universal symbol of life energy, vitality and consciousness. As the unifying power center of the solar system it also symbolizes the focusing power of will and the conscious purpose directing will toward performing specific acts.

The types of activities solar power animates are represented by the Moon and the planets. The symbolic situation is similar to what happens when we try to harness physical solar energy for practical purposes on Earth. Solar energy pervades the biosphere, but we can't plug a toaster into a sunbeam. Unless solar energy is concentrated in a specific way, at a particular time and place, it is too diffuse and unfocused for practical use.

The power of the Sun similarly pervades the entire solar system. The Sun's magnetic field apparently emanates from its Northern Hemisphere and stretches out in every direction. The solar wind carries a stream of charged particles through interplanetary space, reaching to the orbit of Saturn (and perhaps Pluto). Somewhere on the fringes of interstellar space, the stream reverses itself and returns toward the Sun's Southern Hemisphere. The Moon and the planets (including the Earth) each represent one kind of concentration, specialization or adaptation of the solar tide, one focusing direction of purpose and will.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The power of individuality manifests through personal initiative.

Symbol: Rays of a rising Sun splash the sky with streaks of red and gold.

Aries is the springtime sign of the zodiac. People born at this rosy dawning of the year are set to spring into activity. They glory in launching new enterprises, even while leaving previous projects for others to finish. They are direct, headstrong, and aggressive. Dashing off in all directions, the Arian must be ever on the go. Their main difficulty is in controlling their impulses, and avoiding the scattering of their forces.

Mars as ruler of Aries intensifies its hotheaded disposition. The exalted Sun adds executive power, energy, vitality, and optimism. Since the effects of an exalted planet are as favorable as those of the ruler of a sign, the placement of the Sun in Aries, at the head of the zodiacal procession, is conducive to individual accomplishment.

Arians may not achieve the fame of Librans and Aquarians (signs in which the Sun is less strongly placed) because they refuse to curry favors from others and may be downright undiplomatic in the pursuit of their aims. However, they have the boldness to assert their own ideas and are known as the pioneers of the zodiac.

The sign shines regally from the center of the solar system, while Mars, its marshal, issues commands and enforces its will. Careful attention should be paid to the aspects of Mars in the horoscopes of persons born with the Sun in Aries in order to ascertain the direction their drive for objective self-expression is likely to take.

‘Solarians’ have a fervent longing for independence and like to fancy themselves to be free souls. As leaders they sway the destiny of others but soon grow impatient with the restraints imposed by mundane responsibilities. They aspire to know the truth but avoid becoming burdened by the consequences of their truth seeking endeavors.

When their affairs become too complex they wield the cutting edge of Mars as a sword to sever knots of bureaucratic red tape. Then, oblivious to the havoc left in their wake, they march forward fearlessly in search of new fields to conquer.

The Arian moves people to action through the heat of their personal enthusiasm. They are idea people, but frequently someone else must lay the groundwork if their concepts are to take root in the material world. They may also be a rolling stone who, if permitted to go first, will clear a path on which others may walk.

However, if relegated to the rear, they may roll on heedlessly mowing down all that are so foolish as to impede their progress. There is nothing rancorous about this flattening of obstructing objects. They are what they are, and that is all there is to it.

Aries people suffer from their own carelessness, recklessness, and immoderate behavior - qualities that may in turn inflict suffering on others. Theirs can be the unwitting selfishness that results from excessive impulsiveness. Utterly spontaneous and moved by the mood of the moment, immature types may be so blithely unaware of their adolescent self-centeredness that it is impossible to resent them, especially since their intentions are nearly always honorable. Although seldom deliberately unkind, they may fail to consider the effects of their words or the far-reaching implications of their casual conduct.

The more evolved Arian will never say die but is ever ready to rise to new and adventurous challenges. Their feeling is that the whole day lies ahead and they are eager to be up and doing.

Sun sign Arians want to stand out from the crowd, and have the will to succeed. They are basically uncomplicated, direct in their approach, and able to cope in a straightforward way with the day-to-day problems of life. They strip away everything that is not necessary to the achievement of their goals, whether these are immediate or long-term. Their ability to see clearly the essential elements of important decisions is both enviable and convincing.

Deep resources of determination help Arians when reacting to challenge, although a tendency to rush in regardless can cause problems.

Achievement is vital; if it is lacking, either in the career or an all-important hobby, Arians can become physically or psychologically sick and extremely difficult to live with. This is often because of their worst Arian fault, selfishness, which is almost certain to appear to some extent during every Arian’s life.


Astrology, the Divine Science

