As the Sun's radiance both animates and illumines life on Earth, the Sun has long been a universal symbol of life energy, vitality and consciousness. As the unifying power center of the solar system it also symbolizes the focusing power of will and the conscious purpose directing will toward performing specific acts.

The types of activities solar power animates are represented by the Moon and the planets. The symbolic situation is similar to what happens when we try to harness physical solar energy for practical purposes on Earth. Solar energy pervades the biosphere, but we can't plug a toaster into a sunbeam. Unless solar energy is concentrated in a specific way, at a particular time and place, it is too diffuse and unfocused for practical use.

The power of the Sun similarly pervades the entire solar system. The Sun's magnetic field apparently emanates from its Northern Hemisphere and stretches out in every direction. The solar wind carries a stream of charged particles through interplanetary space, reaching to the orbit of Saturn (and perhaps Pluto). Somewhere on the fringes of interstellar space, the stream reverses itself and returns toward the Sun's Southern Hemisphere. The Moon and the planets (including the Earth) each represent one kind of concentration, specialization or adaptation of the solar tide, one focusing direction of purpose and will.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The power of individuality manifests through inventiveness.

Symbol: A plane loaded with passengers rises gracefully into the sky.

People born with the Sun in Aquarius are charged with a subtle electricity which works quietly but effectively to make them more dynamic than they seem. Theirs is a power as paradoxical as that of a heavy metal plane which uses the air to overcome the pull of gravity. The Aquarian who lives up to their inner potential can transcend ordinary limitations by invoking nature’s higher laws, and they see nothing mysterious about so doing. Therefore, the sign is associated with both Saturn (law) and Uranus (breakthroughs).

Since Aquarius stimulates the mind, as its opposite sign Leo arouses the emotions, the native of this sign is governed by their head rather than their heart. Their love nature is more altruistic than egotistic and they prefer to express it in an impersonal manner. This coolness may seem enigmatic to the sentimentalist for whom love is a warm, spontaneous feeling rather than a mighty cosmic energy which can be tapped and utilized as scientifically as the physical energies of heat and light.

At first, it seems a contradiction that Aquarius should be both a fixed and airy sign, for air must move and circulate. However, by broadening one’s perspective, it becomes apparent that the only really fixed mass of air is that which envelopes the Earth, remaining with the planet while it circles the Sun, and serving as an insulator and as a medium for the transmission of light. Analogously, the Aquarian temperament is programmed to regard things from many points of view and to think on a global scale rather than in terms of the needs and desires of their own chauvinistic group. Abstract principles rather than outward appearances are sensed to be the enduring realities of life.

If many Aquarians seem aloof and detached, it is not because they are indifferent to others. Often they are too deeply concerned with the plight of humanity as a whole to expend themselves catering to the foibles of individuals. To the Aquarian, time is energy, and they are choosy about the people with whom they spend their precious gift. Since they are relatively unegotistical, they may not bother to exert themselves to win approval. They would rather tend to their job and let others curry compliments.

Despite their underlying impersonality, the Aquarian is human in the most literal sense of the word. When one says, “Oh, be human,” they are appealing to an individual’s higher nature. To be a humanitarian means to show compassionate concern, not only for family and friends, but also for all mankind. Man is called Homo sapiens, the creature that thinks, and it is the rational faculty that Aquarius glorifies, believing that intellect is the most purely human part of any person. Because man transforms himself and his world through the application of his mental abilities, the Uranian sign of transformation is associated with the higher mind.

Aquarians seldom fall very low or engage in criminal acts, but often their energies are short-circuited and they fail to fulfill the promise of what they might become. If they have not evolved to the point of being able to express universal love in the impersonal manner of dedication to a cause, they may remain uncommitted to anything. Then they become drifters because, like the air, they must move and circulate. If their unusual ideas cannot find a responsive audience, Aquarians may simply slide into a superficial existence.

Sometimes so much of their energy goes into cogitation that little remains for tangible achievements. Aquarians can rationalize their lack of accomplishment by declaring that the game is not worth the effort and that the world is unprepared to be awakened. Their outlook may be too panoramic to make the everyday struggle to eat, reproduce, and survive seem worthwhile. Then, if an Aquarian is unable to arise to the challenge of Uranus, they fall back into Saturnian pessimism and inertia. Some modern day “dropouts” seem to be tuning in on the vibrations of the Aquarian Age in this negative fashion.

The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius. Symbolically, this shows that the desires of the individual personality must now be subordinated to the requirements of society as a whole. The scientifically enlightened Aquarian realizes that there are many suns in the heavens and that, of these, Earth’s Sun is but a minor star. This broad view makes them a cooperative member of a group or association. Since they do not seek power for themselves alone, people instinctively trust them and elevate them to a position of authority.

As the most liberty-loving members of the zodiac, Aquarians can relinquish their petty egotism because they realize that it is man’s self-centeredness that makes him a slave of unworthy impulses and an enslaver of others. The lesson this sign teaches is that the more charitable people behave, the greater are their chances of enjoying the benefits of freedom. Consequently, Aquarians are simultaneously the most individualistic and the most group oriented of all the zodiacal types. If, however, the individuality is carried to excess, it becomes mere eccentricity.

Aquarians instinctively realize that true liberty grows out of freedom of thought. Yet Saturn’s practicality, carried over from Capricorn, reminds them that the goals they seek must be won through the betterment of material conditions. Therefore they often devote their talents to the task of making this earth a more comfortable place in which to live. They are concerned with abstract reasoning mainly because their experience has demonstrated that ideas are the most potent forces at work in the world today.  

The Aquarian need for independence can’t be underestimated, and it is essential that Aquarians develop and sustain the right lifestyle. Although they have the reputation of being particularly friendly, in many ways they are very private and dislike having their privacy invaded. Their natural friendliness is linked to a genuine desire to be helpful, so anyone in trouble will always find you ready to help, approaching others’ problems as they approach their own –- logically, detached and without undue emotion.

Aquarians have an original, idealistic streak and the more positively this is shown, the more fulfilled they will be. However, this originality must not become too idiosyncratic or perverse, as others can then be embarrassed or worse; seriously annoyed. Aquarius is an air sign, and its inhabitants need air, both physically and metaphorically. They must realize how very stubborn they can be and should try to counter the tendency. When young, they can be radical in thought, but may continue to cling to youthful opinions, so that what was once splendidly progressive becomes ultra-conservative.

Positive and optimistic even when life gets difficult, Aquarians rarely lose hope, and their natural humanity always reminds them that many others are less fortunate (in every sense) than themselves. Their chief fault may be unpredictability, but their independence can also make them very remote, causing emotional problems. Partners and friends may be justified in suspecting that sometimes Aquarians act out of sheer perversity.

Of all the Sun signs, Aquarians can find it most difficult to settle into and sustain a close emotional relationship. The powerful need for independence can make it hard for them to let others into their lives, since they realize this will mean modifying their life-styles and tolerating an invasion of their living space – psychological as well as physical. They often decline to enter into a relationship until they are so set in their ways that it seems all but impossible, so remain permanently single. Even so, there is a strongly romantic streak in many Aquarians, who like the glamour of romance, and once committed tend to be very loyal.


Astrology, the Divine Science

