With Saturn we reach the limits of the solar system proper, and Saturn has traditionally been associated with limitation, frustration and delays. These, however, are all by-products of Saturn's concern for the rightness of things, for seeing that all is in order according to cosmic laws and truth. Under Saturn, it is better to be delayed and right than early and misguided.

As it follows the sphere of Jupiter's social participation, Saturn's is the realm of social responsibility. It represents the process of maturation according to which individuals participate in society not only by receiving the benefits thereof, but by contributing practically and substantially to the life of the community.

This requires the performance of necessary, relevant work, no matter how mundane or routine it may seem. Saturn thus represents the process of finding our place in society and fulfilling our responsibilities there. This requires self-discipline and a realistic sense of givens, limitations and, above all, priorities.  

Saturn represents the necessity and capacity to tie up loose ends, to be logical and forthright. When we deal with Saturn we necessarily deal with authority - with both our capacity to wield authority and teach others, and with our capacity to learn from others (especially our elders) who have the authority of longer experience than we.

Negative aspects of Saturn include self-righteousness when in authority, and reactive depression when we must unwillingly yield to the authority of others. Saturn rewards labor dutifully performed with a sense of inner certitude, but responds with stinginess to work done resentfully or inadequately.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Achievement rests on work well done.

Symbol: A professor quotes the dictionary as a final authority.

Saturn and Virgo make a compatible pair, since the solidity of Saturn complements the earthiness of this sign. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, a planet with which Saturn blends most advantageously because the Mercurial intellect requires the discipline of Saturnian restraint if it is to function effectively. Since Saturn reinforces Virgo's already practical nature, this combination bestows mental stability and moral rectitude, as well as analytic ability. 

Saturn's caution and efficiency are especially salubrious with regard to such typically Virgoan matters as diet, health, sanitation, and employment.  Virgo arranges facts and figures while Saturn ensures the correctness and proper application of the data supplied. Virgo also has a flair for words, which Saturn organizes with consummate skill, making this position favorable for literary pursuits.

Saturn in Virgo can be an isolating influence, producing a retiring and solitary disposition. Because of their ability to work alone and avoid distractions, people of this temperament often accomplish a great deal.

They cannot tolerate sloppiness or imprecision and are willing to toil without much encouragement, motivated primarily by their determination to do the job properly. They want their products to be of lasting value and will check each fine detail for accuracy.

The Saturn-Virgo individual may be prone to moods of depression. Idleness gives them time to fret. They need to keep busy in order to allay their anxieties. Moderate misery motivates them to accomplishment, and since life usually provides this negative incentive, they may become quite successful. People of this type are sometimes considered dull in their youth, but later find their appropriate niche.

The Saturnian Virgoan is frugal, fastidious, and discriminating in diet. They may suffer from the Virgoan bugaboo of hypochondria and conjure up hypothetical indispositions to account for the lack of vital energy which leaves them feeling vaguely depressed.

Frequently, their digestive disturbances are all too real, even though based on "nerves." Yet regardless of how they worry about their job, their health, or their digestive tract, they plod along methodically and achieves results beyond their expectations.

Religiously, Saturn in Virgo may deem themselves a miserable sinner, although, in fact, they may be more miserable from lack of sinning than from its excess.  Even when their conscience does not prevent them from doing wrong it can prevent them from enjoying it.

They are acutely aware of their own shortcomings, as well as of the failings of others, and are exceedingly cautious in selecting the people or institutions in whom they put their faith. This somber outlook may be justified by the difficulties of their life but they need to beware that a melancholy attitude does not worsen their situation.

Even if it hurts, they should try every now and then to have a good laugh at the world in its absurdly serious play. In this respect, they can learn a lesson from Lewis Carroll, a bachelor clergyman and mathematics professor who, despite his reputation for being an abysmally boring lecturer, somehow managed to write Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Adherence to routine and practical activity are present with this placing. A sense of duty is common, since it is natural for most of those with this Saturn sign to work hard and methodically. As is the case with most Virgoan emphases there is careful attention to detail and, because Saturn encourages caution, an element of patience, as this person is usually not fond of shortcuts. There is also considerable prudence and modesty.

The self-confidence is usually undermined and, especially in young people, causes shyness. If one can realize that this placing provides an anchorage, its more inhibitive elements can be countered and the practical caution it endows will be used in positive ways.

If the individual holds a position of authority over others, they are warned that being too strict and demanding could alienate employees. Adherence to discipline, a powerful critical sense and a liking for perfection will set in them high standards, and they will expect the same from others. Unless they are kind and sensitive, with a good sense of humor, they may seem distant, cool, rather sarcastic and sometimes prone to carping.

All of which is, indeed, a way to describe the inner authoritative voice, which may criticize the self at every opportunity, thereby eroding self-confidence. Possibly the parents were very critical when  the subject was little. They should also realize that obsessive tendencies may build up, especially in times of stress, but that such habits must be broken if possible.  


Astrology, the Divine Science

