With Saturn we reach the limits of the solar system proper, and Saturn has traditionally been associated with limitation, frustration and delays. These, however, are all by-products of Saturn's concern for the rightness of things, for seeing that all is in order according to cosmic laws and truth. Under Saturn, it is better to be delayed and right than early and misguided.

As it follows the sphere of Jupiter's social participation, Saturn's is the realm of social responsibility. It represents the process of maturation according to which individuals participate in society not only by receiving the benefits thereof, but by contributing practically and substantially to the life of the community.  

This requires the performance of necessary, relevant work, no matter how mundane or routine it may seem. Saturn thus represents the process of finding our place in society and fulfilling our responsibilities there. This requires self-discipline and a realistic sense of givens, limitations and, above all, priorities.  

Saturn represents the necessity and capacity to tie up loose ends, to be logical and forthright. When we deal with Saturn we necessarily deal with authority - with both our capacity to wield authority and teach others, and with our capacity to learn from others (especially our elders) who have the authority of longer experience than we.

Negative aspects of Saturn include self-righteousness when in authority, and reactive depression when we must unwillingly yield to the authority of others. Saturn rewards labor dutifully performed with a sense of inner certitude, but responds with stinginess to work done resentfully or inadequately.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Limitation is enforced for the sake of long-range expansion.

Symbol: A yogi sits cross-legged in silent meditation.

The Saturnian-Sagittarian is serious about their hopes and goals. This position gives the capacity to concretize ideas and to bring abstract concepts down to earth. In this respect, Saturn is like a crystal which concentrates the light of the Sagittarian mind into a flame that can start a fire. Sagittarius, in turn, warms the austere formality of Saturn with a genial glow.

As the planet of responsibility, Saturn is well placed in strongly motivated Sagittarius. This blending often results in an ability to direct people’s thoughts into designated channels and thereby to prosper in an administrative capacity.

While Saturn in Taurus molds matter, and Saturn in Libra molds forms, Saturn in Sagittarius is a molder of ideas. The forward-rushing enthusiasm is slowed down by weighty considerations and momentous concerns. Those capable of responding to the positive side of this combination feel compelled to take practical action to substantiate their belief in the higher evolution of mankind. They feel that steady and continued progress can be made through realistic planning and the passage of laws and regulations designed to make better use of human energies – that is to say, through more enlightened administrative procedure and governmental supervision.

This position is noted for its persistence. Mental maturity comes late in life, but brings success at a time when other people have passed their creative peak. The work accomplished may require years to ripen but it is solid and fruitful.

Sagittarius lightens Saturn’s conservatism, making the disposition more cheerful and independent. Thriftiness gives way to the altruism of the hardheaded business magnate who becomes a philanthropist in their later years. Sagittarian benevolence mitigates the acquisitiveness of Saturn with genuine generosity and a sense of responsibility toward all who are in need.

Afflicted, this can be a tediously moralizing position, complacently self-assured. However, this person tries to be trustworthy and to practice what they preach. At best, they temper dignity with the sense of humor and proportion which comes from taking a broad view of life.

Religiously, Sagittarius imbues people with a desire to look beyond themselves and to put their faith in a superior order of being. Saturn sets boundaries which deflect these currents of mental aspiration back to the thinker.

Thus, the person whose Saturnian and Jupiterian functions blend may find that the best way out is in. Their God is not to be sought somewhere in the sky, but may be revealed through a prolonged discipline of meditation and introspection. In this manner, they come to realize that the universe is no less large nor grand than the supreme Self in whose image it was created.

Jupiter and Saturn are essentially polar planets, for Jupiter represents expansion and Saturn restriction. As a result, it may seem that Saturn is not well placed in Sagittarius. However, much good can come from this placing.

Saturn heightens concentration and encourages the desire to study so that the intellectual potential is fully developed. The outlook is philosophical, and sometimes children with this placing seem to have old heads on young bodies, with words of wisdom spoken seriously but quite naturally.

Honesty and straightforward speech are increased by this placing. Here too is the ability to speak up, sometimes bravely, uttering opinions that may be at variance with the mainstream consensus. However, challenges often cause conflict. On the one hand there will be a desire to accept them and push forward fearlessly with whatever is proposed, and on the other there can be caution and a certain fearfulness which may frustrate the desire, so that the enthusiasm of Sagittarius may not be given the full expression it needs.


Astrology, the Divine Science

