With Saturn we reach the limits of the solar system proper, and Saturn has traditionally been associated with limitation, frustration and delays. These, however, are all by-products of Saturn's concern for the rightness of things, for seeing that all is in order according to cosmic laws and truth. Under Saturn, it is better to be delayed and right than early and misguided.

As it follows the sphere of Jupiter's social participation, Saturn's is the realm of social responsibility. It represents the process of maturation according to which individuals participate in society not only by receiving the benefits thereof, but by contributing practically and substantially to the life of the community. This requires the performance of necessary, relevant work, no matter how mundane or routine it may seem.

Saturn thus represents the process of finding our place in society and fulfilling our responsibilities there. This requires self-discipline and a realistic sense of givens, limitations and, above all, priorities.

Saturn represents the necessity and capacity to tie up loose ends, to be logical and forthright. When we deal with Saturn we necessarily deal with authority - with both our capacity to wield authority and teach others, and with our capacity to learn from others (especially our elders) who have the authority of longer experience than we.  

Negative aspects of Saturn include self-righteousness when in authority, and reactive depression when we must unwillingly yield to the authority of others. Saturn rewards labor dutifully performed with a sense of inner certitude, but responds with stinginess to work done resentfully or inadequately.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: A sense of personal responsibility motivates authoritative behavior.

Symbol: A knight fastens on a weighty suit of armor.

Saturn in Leo the sign of its detriment, is the autocrat of the zodiac. Aloof and self-contained, they stand apart from the crowd even though it clamors for their leadership. Their personal austerity hardens the walls of their ego, impelling them to isolate themselves in lonely splendor.

They can be oppressed with the sense that much is expected of them; for they realize that the position they have won carries grave moral obligations.

As a leader they are inclined to be conservative. The willingness to enforce discipline seldom endears them to others. Saturnian Leonians are revered and respected, but they are often fated to forgo the warmth of intimate associations with congenial companions.

Consequently, they may feel that their scrupulous hard work has gone unappreciated, and quite probably it has, since Saturn’s nature is ordinarily too somber to evoke the lighter side of this sign of pleasure and gaiety.

The person born with Saturn in Leo needs love as much as anyone, but may find it difficult to unbend. As a result, they often appear more cold and calculating in matters of romance than they really are. Saturn, in this sign of the heart, restricts the areas of life where one most needs to be free and spontaneous, while its inhibiting influence produces intractable complexes about expressing affection.

This position can be particularly hard on children. The parent having a Saturn/Leo child must make a special effort to maintain warmth and togetherness in the family circle and not to cement the child’s innate tendency to feel repressed and unloved by too strict an emphasis on duty.

With regard to vocation this person would do well to obtain a responsible position which allows them to exercise authority constructively. They are capable of achieving a powerful place in government and politics through their ability to get to the core of a problem and to establish order where chaos prevails.

In business, their cool efficiency is the mark of an administrator who will put company welfare above personal concerns.

Here Saturn can be a helpful influence moderating the enthusiasm of Leo and focusing its vital forces.

Saturn in the sign of the Sun generates a serious attitude toward creative work in the field of the arts. It makes a perfectionist who will take the time and trouble to achieve the right effects and who will work diligently to develop required skills.

By the same token, mothers with this position usually insist that their children contribute in an organized way to the running of the household.

People with Saturn in Leo tend to feel that human nature is basically unregenerate and must, therefore, be rigorously restrained. Often they find themselves compelled to play the role of disciplinarian. If they concentrate on self-discipline, however, this combination promises success through sustained effort and a realistic appraisal of one’s own talent and potential.

Such individuals command obedience and respect because they are willing to work to prove themselves worthy of the trust invested in them.

Strength of will, determination, excellent organizing ability and loyalty are present here. There is a tendency to take life very seriously, and the warm fiery qualities of Leo may not emerge unless other planets also occupy this sign. Even then, Saturn can cloud the Leonine Sun.

The worst faults are autocracy and a total inability to accept limitations; pride very often does precede some pretty heavy falls for these people.

There can be self-inflicted restrictions perhaps because of the need to succeed in a burning ambition. Once a line of action has been decided upon, there is little or no let-up of effort. Nevertheless, the ability to cope with situations and to organize (and strictly discipline) others, especially in an emergency, is second to none.

If these qualities can be positively expressed, much that is admirable can result. However, loyalty can be misplaced and their sense of values may lose their perspective.

When the negative side of the placing is evident it can be because the childhood was organized along military lines, with the strictest of routines and disciplines, so that it is difficult to forsake this early training. Formality and general tightness may also be characteristic.

The authoritative inner voice of Saturn will can sometimes be like that of a schoolmaster or Sergeant Major, forcing the person to take certain lines of action because they are what is expected, even if it would be better to respond more sympathetically, both to their own needs and feelings, and to the situation in question.

Since Leo rules the back and spine and Saturn the bones, one is encouraged to take special care of the spine. Sitting well when at a desk, sensible exercise to strengthen the spine, and so on, are most desirable. 


Astrology, the Divine Science

