With Saturn we reach the limits of the solar system proper, and Saturn has traditionally been associated with limitation, frustration and delays. These, however, are all by-products of Saturn's concern for the rightness of things, for seeing that all is in order according to cosmic laws and truth. Under Saturn, it is better to be delayed and right than early and misguided.

As it follows the sphere of Jupiter's social participation, Saturn's is the realm of social responsibility. It represents the process of maturation according to which individuals participate in society not only by receiving the benefits thereof, but by contributing practically and substantially to the life of the community.

This requires the performance of necessary, relevant work, no matter how mundane or routine it may seem. Saturn thus represents the process of finding our place in society and fulfilling our responsibilities there. This requires self-discipline and a realistic sense of givens, limitations and, above all, priorities.

Saturn represents the necessity and capacity to tie up loose ends, to be logical and forthright. When we deal with Saturn we necessarily deal with authority - with both our capacity to wield authority and teach others, and with our capacity to learn from others (especially our elders) who have the authority of longer experience than we.

Negative aspects of Saturn include self-righteousness when in authority, and reactive depression when we must unwillingly yield to the authority of others. Saturn rewards labor dutifully performed with a sense of inner certitude, but responds with stinginess to work done resentfully or inadequately.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Controls are enforced assertively.

Symbol: Administrators try to impose law and order upon unruly populace.        

Since Mars is aggression and Saturn is restraint, the presence of Saturn in the Martial sign Aries implies military discipline. This stressful combination shows the conflict between crude force and organized power which makes it necessary to set limits and boundaries. Saturn's fall in Aries describes the arduousness of imposing the laws of society upon the raw exuberance of primitive nature.

The Sun gives life and Saturn gives form. As the most remote planet of the ancient world, Saturn draws lines which define all particularized entities.

At best, Saturn in Aries indicates a strong sense of self-reliance and a keenness for duty that impels one to persist indomitably through all vicissitudes. Strong measures are required to accomplish rough work. This individual may not lead an easy life for they will be compelled to pit their strength against seemingly insuperable obstacles. Usually, they will succeed simply because no matter how difficult the going becomes they continue to persevere.

People of this type sometimes react against limitations by becoming 'disciplinarians' who assert themselves in aggressively authoritarian ways. They may have had trouble standing up to a demanding father, and compensate by becoming demanding parents themselves. A driving ambition militates against harmony in interpersonal relations. They are seldom sociable, since the capacity to exercise control and to command respect demands a certain aloofness.

Saturn in Aries suggests driving the car with the brakes on. Energetic action alternates with enforced delay, producing false starts, spasmodic motion, and inner wear and tear. In all Mars/Saturn alliances, contradictory pressures can result in a puritanical inhibition of fundamental instincts which smolder irritably beneath a rigid exterior until they erupt in volcanic outbursts of temper.

Despite a strong drive for stability, the unruly nature of the material to be subdued makes it difficult to impose lasting order.

Only the slow process of time and growth can afford the maturity to realize that freedom must be won through discipline, and that there need be no ultimate dissension between the spontaneity of Aries and the restraint of Saturn.

The incompatibility between glacial Saturn and igneous Mars augments the tendency for the planet of finality to feel misplaced in the sign of beginnings. Metaphysically, the fall of Saturn in Aries makes one responsible for their actions. It implies that the certainty of death is present from the very start of life.

Symbolically, Aries thinks it can be whatever it wants to be. Saturn hidden in the depths of the sign insists that an entity can become only what it inherently is. The conflict between self-will and fatalism must be contested around the zodiac before these clashing attitudes are reconciled and the individual realizes that, just as in the beginning their spiritual essence was free to determine it's own destiny, all the time they were, because of their divine nature, predestined to be free.


Astrology, the Divine Science

