Pluto is the last planet in our solar system going outward from the sun, but it is also the first on the way in from interstellar space. Pluto thus reminds us that the last phase of any process is also the beginning of a new cycle, that death is a portal to rebirth, and that we reach farthest beyond ourselves when we go deepest within. With Pluto all things tend to turn into their opposites when carried far enough. Pluto is thus said to represent extreme, pendulum-like swings.

Pluto represents all that is paradoxical; it is said both to breed secrecy and intrigue, and to force hidden matters out into the open. With Pluto, we must never be satisfied with surface appearances, but must probe deeply to the heart of things. Thus Pluto may symbolize especially cogent and penetrating insights and persuasive communications. Negatively, intimate communications may be tainted by coercion, or the truth may be purposely obscured. Festering repressed feelings may be at the root of such negative Plutonian drives.

Yet true to its paradoxical nature, Pluto also represents catharsis and purity - catharsis as the result of a death-rebirth regeneration, purity as the expression of being what one essentially is. As our sun is also a galactic star, the message of Pluto is that we needn't go anywhere to find a source of light. It is within us.   


Leyla Rael



Pluto, the slowest-moving of all the planets, takes 246 years to complete its journey around the Sun and through all 12 signs. Its orbit is eccentric, for it will take only 13 years to travel through some signs and up to 32 years to transit others. It is therefore a generation influence.

Developments and changes were afoot at this time, and many old concepts and doctrines were swept away. A great deal that had gone unchallenged was now seen in a new light and, due to the development of the automobile and ever-improving communications, the world began to get smaller.

There are still elderly people alive with Pluto in this sign. It has given them inquisitiveness and curiosity especially about much younger people, since they themselves have lived through so many remarkable changes and developments.

Those with good intellects and comprehension are wise, drawing on their long experiences to enrich their own lives and sympathize or argue with the younger generations. Those less gifted are totally confused. 

All possess Geminian scepticism.


Astrology, the Divine Science

