Neptune's is the second sphere or step in the process of going beyond Saturn. While Uranus may represent an opportunity to go beyond convention, Neptune refers to the almost bewildering array of new possibilities we encounter once we have. The new circumstances Neptune symbolizes are those of a realm of universality, where all forces, things and acts are interrelated and interconnected.

Neptune's is thus the sphere where what to us is non-ordinary consciousness operates, a realm of psychic phenomena or of 'altered states.' These may be spontaneous, sought after by years of preparation, or merely drug-induced. In contrast to daily reality, the realm of Neptune may seem either unreal and illusionary or 'realer than real.' This is the source of Neptune's association with confusion and deception. Of course one may be confused when experiencing an utterly new and unfamiliar realm in which things may not be what they seem...

But the real danger with Neptune is self-deception, of seeing and believing what we desperately want to be so, rather than accepting as valid - at least for ourselves and for the time being - whatever our deepest feelings and intuition honestly know.

Neptune operates most positively when we allow the experiences it brings to de-condition our minds and habitual responses from taking things for granted. Then, in a new light, we may intuit a more compelling, transcendent set of truths, and experience ourselves more fully as manifestations of universal love.


Leyla Rael



Neptune, the second of the "modern" planets, takes 146 years to complete its journey round the Sun and through all 12 signs of the zodiac, staying in each for about 14 years. Neptune works on two levels. Its influence as it travels through the sky is on everyday life, but it also emerges as a mass influence on the lifestyles of people born into each of its generations.

These can be the hard-rock types - or so they would have people believe. They often have a very aggressive and formidable image, but have had to fight hard for what they want out of life.

It is not surprising that in coping with unemployment, many succumbed to the negative, escapist, drug addictive tendencies of Neptune. This drug scene is not the peaceful, loving, easy one often associated with the flower power people; here it is much more intensive, even more poisonous, weird and spooky (adjectives which are very Scorpionic in essence).

On the other hand there are many of this generation who live to make money and enjoy a glamorous life in the fast lane - the Yuppie generation, who are another manifestation of Neptune in Scorpio. Scorpio is also the sign of big business.

There is increased emotional intensity when Neptune is personalized. If the planet is well aspected the emotions will be positively expressed by inspiring the individual's talents and ambitions.


Astrology,the Divine Science

