Where the face of the Earth is turned away from the light of the Sun, there the Moon shines, reminding us of solar purpose by brilliantly reflecting the Sun's light. The Moon moves about 12 or 13 times faster than the Sun; it travels through the zodiac once every 27 and 1/3 days. The Moon is thus the trigger mechanism of the solar system. It conjoins the Sun once each month in the Sun's zodiacal sign.

In their subsequent cycle together the Moon waxes and wanes. As it waxes, it symbolically carries out the unifying purpose of the Sun and conveys it to all the other planets, including the Earth. As the Moon wanes, it symbolically gathers in the harvest of experience and stores it as memory, precedence, and tradition. As the Moon waxes and wanes it also regulates the tides on Earth, and as feelings are symbolized by water the Moon's motion represents the rhythmic ebb and flow of public moods.

The motions of the Moon around the Earth also carry it alternately inside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Venus, then outside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Mars. This is a symbol of regular flux between introversion and extroversion, between objective activity and subjective reflection.

Thus the Moon represents our capacity to respond to life in a rhythmic way, to our day-to-day and hour-to-hour capacity to flow with, indeed to dance with, what life brings.


Leyla Rael


Keynote: Enlightened persuasion is directed toward idealistic ends.

Symbol: A missionary preaches to natives on a remote village.

A lunar Sagittarian usually knows what they want to do, or at least what kind of person they want to be. A need to be engaged in meaningful activity keeps them restlessly on the go, and may entail frequent changes of residence. Their interests are big, bold, and speculative, but their wide-ranging spirit is easily bothered by petty details.

These individuals are noted for their imaginative intellects and their willingness to make the most of the knowledge they have gained in the school of experience. They study everything they see, are eager to learn more, and hasten to move on to new adventures.

When the energies of Sagittarius are focused through the lunar lens of the instinctive nature, the result may be a salesman or a showman. A natural persuasiveness is enhanced by a sense of the dramatic and an ability to produce carefully calculated effects.

The commodity they may most successfully peddle is their strongly held beliefs, but they may also be an articulate promoter of a variety of profit making items.

The danger of the Moon in Sagittarius arises from allowing optimism to slide into carelessness. Deliberate restraint is needed to counteract a tendency to go too far too fast and thereby risk losing everything.

Lunar Sagittarians take a broad, impersonal view of the human scene. Their conception of social betterment may interest them more than the problems of the actual individuals they are apparently dedicated to helping.

People with this placing will respond in a very positive, optimistic and enthusiastic way to circumstances (especially those that are challenging), for the sheer enjoyment and need of challenge is a quintessential Sagittarian characteristic.

These people give the impression that they will not worry or bother too much with the pros and cons of a situation. In fact, they are not very good at recognizing small details or problems, and can tend to ignore them even when they are pointed out by others.

The urge to move forward physically and intellectually is very strong - impatience when waiting in traffic jams, for instance, is common. They will enjoy feeling that their intellect is being stretched, but can sometimes give the impression of knowing and under- standing much more than is really the case.

Hope and optimism run high, until other more sober elements of the personality take over. Balance is needed if they are not to incline towards bluster, with blind optimism clouding common sense. Nonetheless, there is a general keenness and enthusiasm.

A tendency to be off-hand is a fault that often emerges with this placing. “See if I care” is the sort of statement that is characteristic of the Moon in Sagittarius, usually followed by a turn and toss of the head, with the individual already thinking of something, or someone, else.

Sagittarian restlessness almost inevitably present, should be countered, or at least recognized. There is marvelous potential, especially intellectually, and it is up to them to develop a consistency of effort by fully using other areas of the personality.

They must aim to calm their reactions, even though these are positive, so that the Sagittarian sage-like qualities and their own sound, possibly unique, philosophy of life can be used to their full and best advantage.

Digestive problems and biliousness can affect the health, as those with this placing like to enjoy food which is a little too rich for their systems.


Astrology, the Divine Science

