Where the face of the Earth is turned away from the light of the Sun, there the Moon shines, reminding us of solar purpose by brilliantly reflecting the Sun's light. The Moon moves about 12 or 13 times faster than the Sun; it travels through the zodiac once every 27 and 1/3 days. The Moon is thus the trigger mechanism of the solar system. It conjoins the Sun once each month in the Sun's zodiacal sign.

In their subsequent cycle together the Moon waxes and wanes. As it waxes, it symbolically carries out the unifying purpose of the Sun and conveys it to all the other planets, including the Earth. As the Moon wanes, it symbolically gathers in the harvest of experience and stores it as memory, precedence, and tradition. As the Moon waxes and wanes it also regulates the tides on Earth, and as feelings are symbolized by water the Moon's motion represents the rhythmic ebb and flow of public moods.

The motions of the Moon around the Earth also carry it alternately inside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Venus, then outside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Mars. This is a symbol of regular flux between introversion and extroversion, between objective activity and subjective reflection.

Thus the Moon represents our capacity to respond to life in a rhythmic way, to our day-to-day and hour-to-hour capacity to flow with, indeed to dance with, what life brings.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The desire for acceptance motivates socially approved behavior.

  Symbol: Diplomats converse amiably at an embassy ball.

People with the Moon in Libra are usually charming. The merging of the energies of this deferential sign with the lunar conglomerate of instincts and responses indicates a deep desire to be accepted by one's peers. It imparts the aplomb to win the goodwill of "the right people" through self-effacing courtesy, consideration, and composure.

Sometimes the tendency to weigh alternatives degenerates into the vacillating inconstancy of one who will do anything to avoid giving offense. However, those who remain loyal to the Libran ideals of truth and justice can generally devise ways to further the causes in which they believe through pacifistic means.

This combination is inclined toward professions requiring tact and diplomacy such as politics, public relations, motivation research, and advertising. The lunar Libran can assess the subtle factors which move people to action and then arrive at a balanced judgment which provides a reasonable basis for decision making.

They are happier when not obliged to exercise personal initiative, preferring to rely upon the words of established authorities or on incontrovertible statistics. Despite a natural ability to serve as a fair-minded intermediary, this individual likes to feel that they have an organization behind them to support their position.

The Moon in Libra gives a detached attitude that can contrast and compare different points of view without feeling personally committed to one side or the other. There is an ability to talk around a question and to examine varying perspectives. Sometimes this impartiality can be soothing, while at other times it becomes aggravatingly ambivalent.

The realization that most people are moved by circumstances beyond their control, while conducive to tolerance, may lead to evasiveness when it comes to taking a positive stand on moral issues. Many Librans are fence sitters, waiting for the shifting wind of a consensus of opinion to veer them in one direction or another.

Their artistic propensities attract them to fields involving the beautification of homes, stores, and public places. With their refined taste and love of elegance, they cannot bear to be associated with anything sordid, ugly, or mean.  

They suffer mental anguish when forced to work at drab tasks and are particularly unsuited to menial physical labor. Beauty and concinnity are as essential to them as sunshine to the flower, and without it they droop and wither.

Men who have the Moon in Libra are attracted to pretty, gracious, and adaptable female companions — a mate who implements their social ambitions, a secretary who is a model of efficiency and attractiveness, a girl friend others admire.

Most men and women with this position need tastefully appointed homes or offices. They are extremely sensitive to the esthetic effect of the "right" setting for themselves and their work, and may operate like a stage designer who enhances the effectiveness of the actors with a backdrop and scenery evocative of the mood of the play.

They are well aware that a certain amount of ceremonious role-playing can do wonders to diminish the uncertainties of everyday living, and would just as soon abide by the conventions and reap the benefits of an orderly way of life.


Astrology, the Divine Science

