Where the face of the Earth is turned away from the light of the Sun, there the Moon shines, reminding us of solar purpose by brilliantly reflecting the Sun's light. The Moon moves about 12 or 13 times faster than the Sun; it travels through the zodiac once every 27 and 1/3 days. The Moon is thus the trigger mechanism of the solar system. It conjoins the Sun once each month in the Sun's zodiacal sign.

In their subsequent cycle together the Moon waxes and wanes. As it waxes, it symbolically carries out the unifying purpose of the Sun and conveys it to all the other planets, including the earth. As the Moon wanes, it symbolically gathers in the harvest of experience and stores it as memory, precedence, and tradition. As the Moon waxes and wanes it also regulates the tides on Earth, and as feelings are symbolized by water the Moon's motion represents the rhythmic ebb and flow of public moods.

The motions of the Moon around the Earth also carry it alternately inside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Venus, then outside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Mars. This is a symbol of regular flux between introversion and extroversion, between objective activity and subjective reflection.

Thus the Moon represents our capacity to respond to life in a rhythmic way, to our day-to-day and hour-to-hour capacity to flow with, indeed to dance with, what life brings.


Leyla Rael


Keynote: Quick responses to ideas stimulate varied activities.

Symbol: A child darts delightedly back and forth in a hall of mirrors.

Moon/Gemini people can fluctuate as readily as the mercury in a thermometer. They respond to every change in emotional climate, yet for all the momentary excitement, they may be only fleetingly affected by the sensations that impel them to and fro. They pick up impressions as casually as quicksilver gathers particles of dust, and then as casually shake themselves free again.

The planet Mercury rules Gemini, and mercury is the substance which is used to coat the back of mirrors to give them a reflective surface. In like manner, Mercurial people are quick to reflect a variety of viewpoints without committing themselves to one in particular.

They are a natural mimic who can easily adapt to changing circumstances. Theirs is a kaleidoscopic world of shifting patterns of relationships.

The Moon in Gemini gives a keenly developed imagination and a ready wit. They may be a jack-of-all-trades, but are particularly adapted to be a writer, since they have an instinctive feeling for language and grammar.

They are seldom at a loss for words. The danger is that they may tell people what they want to hear rather than utter the unpalatable truth.

People with this restless combination are often on the move both physically and mentally. Most have a variety of avocations, but if discipline is lacking, their inability to concentrate causes them to dissipate time and energy in gossip.

Sometimes they display the cheerfulness and vivacity that comes from refusing to worry about problems. At other times, they may exhibit the same carefree traits simply because they are unwilling to admit that real problems exist.

The lunar Geminian has a wonderful talent for making life interesting for themselves and their companions. They need to cultivate fixity of purpose in order to focus their diverse abilities on some worthwhile goal, for they can respond as sensitively to the profundities as they do to the trivia of life.

A very quick verbal response to situations is characteristic of one who has the Moon in Gemini. They will, especially when young, often express themselves in such a flurry of words that they sometimes tumble out in an incoherent muddle.

The versatility of Gemini is present, and will be seen particularly when they are confronted with several tasks. Rather than consciously deciding on a particular order of preference or importance, the tendency will be to start all of them at the same time.

Our emotional responses are powerfully influenced by the Moon, so there can be conflict, when a contrary instinct to rationalize argues with emotion and intuition. They must come to terms with the fact that intuition and objective rationalism must merge and flow positively.

The Geminian tendency of not entirely trusting the emotions will be apparent and, because we are dealing with the Moon, the traits will not be far from the surface when they are challenged.

The natural instinct to speak up will be very strong. Indeed, this is one of the planetary placings that indicates an avid talker.

A certain impatience and restlessness will also be obvious. While they may well be aware of this and do much to counter it, nevertheless it is to their advantage to realize that their resources of nervous energy are very high and must not be allowed to stagnate.

In theory, there should be the ability to get the best of both worlds, with the Gemini Moon adding a natural quickness of response and the heavier traits contributing stability and patience.

Sometimes nervous strain and pressure can lead to periods of tension, and digestive problems may be one of the results. In certain cases, because of the Gemini connection with the lungs, asthma (again as a result of tension or worry) may be a problem. or worry) may be a problem.


Astrology, the Divine Science

