Where the face of the Earth is turned away from the light of the Sun, there the Moon shines, reminding us of solar purpose by brilliantly reflecting the Sun's light. The Moon moves about 12 or 13 times faster than the Sun; it travels through the zodiac once every 27 and 1/3 days. The Moon is thus the trigger mechanism of the solar system. It conjoins the Sun once each month in the Sun's zodiacal sign.

In their subsequent cycle together the Moon waxes and wanes. As it waxes, it symbolically carries out the unifying purpose of the Sun and conveys it to all the other planets, including the earth. As the Moon wanes, it symbolically gathers in the harvest of experience and stores it as memory, precedence, and tradition. As the Moon waxes and wanes it also regulates the tides on Earth, and as feelings are symbolized by water the Moon's motion represents the rhythmic ebb and flow of public moods.

The motions of the Moon around the Earth also carry it alternately inside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Venus, then outside the Earth's orbit toward the orbit of Mars. This is a symbol of regular flux between introversion and extroversion, between objective activity and subjective reflection.

Thus the Moon represents our capacity to respond to life in a rhythmic way, to our day-to-day and hour-to-hour capacity to flow with, indeed to dance with, what life brings.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Emotional responses are energetically expressed.

Symbol: Water heated in a kettle boils vigorously.

A person whose Moon is in Aries is like an explorer navigating dangerous rapids in a small canoe. They must keep moving in order to maintain equilibrium, but the effort may require so much attention that they hardly notice where they are headed. They are a vibrantly emotional, instinctive, and restless individual who is easily converted to new enthusiasms.

Overtly, they may conform to convention but subconsciously they long to be a leader and to strike out on their own, even if it means paddling a flimsy vessel through dangerous waters without assistance.

It is hard for ‘lunarians’ to remain calm, for everything stimulates them. Nervousness and excitability are the price they pay for accomplishment. Yet with the passive Moon in this vigorous Mars-ruled sign, they can generate power through a dynamic linking of opposite polarities.

The sharp contrast between the Moon and Mars indicates the special abilities that derive from a keenly honed temperament, but it also causes a certain edginess. The capacity for working up a head of creative steam is often accompanied by a low boiling point, so that the energy engendered may be dissipated through fussing over trifles.  

People having the Moon in Aries can project their desires with sufficient force to impress others, regardless of the rights or wrongs involved. As a result, they often get their way and then regret it when they find themselves speeding off the track.

The subject is a fast reactor who thrives in a heady atmosphere where quick decisions are required. For them, to feel is to act, and they waste little time weighing alternatives.

Moon/Aries people are often impelled by a crusading zeal, but they need to learn to persist at one thing long enough to achieve concrete results. Otherwise, the fitful Moon and impetuous Mars expend emotional energy as inconclusively as the tides surging back and forth each day.

They should cultivate equanimity and pause to contemplate the implications of their acts, lest enthusiasm turn to rashness and idealism to fanaticism. With care and consideration they can channel their high spirits into real spiritual power.


Astrology, the Divine Science

