If we picture the orbits of the planets as concentric spheres around the sun, the orbit of Mercury is the first sphere through which the out-surging solar power radiates as it spreads throughout the solar system. Mercury thus represents the first planetary adaptation or specialization of solar power. It refracts, as it were, the one, homogeneous solar stream into two facets or rays. Thus, out of the unitary solar purpose, duality is born.  

For human beings on Earth, mind and consciousness arise and develop on the basis of just such a duality, for in order to be aware, 'I' must perceive an 'other' who (or which) is 'not I.' Mercury symbolizes this primordial perception of duality, and once it occurs the function of Mercury is forever to try to link the two at the mental level.

Mercury's realm is the sphere of perceptions and ideas, of words which symbolize experience and minds which try to integrate experience into a meaningful whole. Thus Mercury symbolizes gathering data and information, knowing, formulating at the verbal level, communicating, listening, and rational decision-making.

Fleet as the quicksilver intellect which it symbolizes, fickle as an easily changeable mind, Mercury's functional activities can be misapplied. Negative applications of what Mercury represents include equivocating, rationalizing, intellectual superficiality, blabbing on and on, and disorganized eclecticism.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The mind functions in a detailed, systematic manner.

Symbol: A mailman delivers letters to various offices in a large building.

In Virgo, the duality of Gemini subdivides into a multiplicity. The Mercurial Virgoan can skillfully cope with a vast assortment of details. This is an exemplary sign position for Mercury, which both rules and is exalted in Virgo. The pragmatism of the sign effectively grounds the airy diffusiveness of the planet and directs its force into suitable channels of expression. 

While Mercury in its positive sign Gemini flits like a butterfly from one intriguing idea to the next, Mercury in Virgo is pinned down to a solid surface of facts which can be microscopically studied, labeled, and preserved for posterity. Such precision may be hard on the butterfly, but the cause of human knowledge is advanced.

Since Virgo rules the digestive system, Mercury therein imparts the ability to digest information. The intellect is less innovative than adaptive, endeavoring to find out where everything fits, glorifying physical fitness, and wanting people to behave fittingly. This compartmentalization of functions is fine from a utilitarian point of view, but the compulsion to be correct can inhibit the mind from reaching higher intuitive realms where differences fade and opposites blend.

The old saying, "the mind is a good servant but a poor master," is confirmed by the assignation of Mercury to the sign of service. The Virgoan Mercury is useful to the extent that it is disciplined, controlled, and kept "in its place." While propitious for scholarly research, it is less well suited to the inductive process of reasoning on which the broader application of knowledge depends.

Writers with Mercury in Virgo often produce books replete with voluminous data, formidably buttressed with footnotes and erudite references. Yet they are reluctant to integrate their mosaic bits of facts into the larger picture.

A debilitating lack of confidence, to which most Virgoans are prone because of their strongly self-critical faculty, can lead to unwillingness to take a strong stand on any fundamental issue. Someone else — probably a fire-sign person — generally has to be the one to assert, "This I believe."

Mercury in Virgo can dissect with precision or desiccate with unending revisions. If the vital juices have been sapped by excessive ratiocination, scholarship degenerates into dull pedantry. On the positive side, the mental faculties may be so keenly honed that almost any problem can be solved — if it has a solution. If it does not, it may not be recognized to exist.

This placement is ingeniously adept at devising specific techniques for accomplishing work. It indicates a person who adjusts easily to the academic world and who can profit through the continued development of their intellectual skills.

The Virgoan needs to remember that there is no cut and dried formula for living — only the fluid process that is life itself and which, while it may be measured on its surface, can never be fathomed to its primordial depths. Mercury's clever mapmaking mind wants to outline the contour of every continent and landmass. However, they must also realize that there are profundities of experience beyond their ken which are no less significant in the development of man and the cosmos.



Mercury acts as a break to many of the over-exuberant, enthusiastic and optimistic qualities of Leo. Its influence will add some practical down-to-earth common sense, preventing the subject from over-reacting when excited, and causing them to think twice before bragging, or perhaps buying showy clothes.

Here is an excellent blend of the ability to assess situations in detail and the broader Leonine approach. The nervous energy of Mercury will complement the fiery emotional and physical energy of Leo and, if other planets do not inhibit, a great deal should be achieved, since creative flair (Leo) will work with the careful, critical development of potential (Mercury in Virgo).

With the Sun in Leo, its creative fire may irradiate the intricate patterns laid out by the logical mind with glowing colors.



This individual can be very 'Virgoan', with a great many of the known attributes of that sign, but must guard against being over-critical or a born worrier. This critical streak will often be turned on the self, causing a lack of self-confidence and shyness.

But here is an excellent mind, capable of detailed, analytical work and research of all kinds. Nervous haste can sometimes cause surprisingly careless mistakes, and the ability to relax is almost nonexistent. Yoga is often beneficial. When the Sun and Mercury are both in Virgo, however, the mind is inclined toward business, educational, and scientific pursuits.



Libran procrastination and indecisiveness is mitigated, and the individual is able to assess problems more critically, due to an active, versatile mind. Common sense is also present, and the stimulation it brings will certainly encourage the development of all kinds of Libran potential (usually considerable). Libran laziness is not usually a problem, and there is a liking for social intercourse; sometimes, too, there is a love of gossip.

A Libran Sun will also interfuse the productions of this wingless Mercury with lightness, poise, and grace.


Astrology, the Divine Science

