After the sphere of Venus, outward-bound solar power passes through the sphere of Earth. Here it develops as the life energy (prana or chi) which animates the biosphere and its material organizations. Earth is a pivotal planet in our view of the solar system, for we see and interpret the solar system from Earth.

Our picture of the solar system is thus an earthly picture, made possible by our particular position and function in the system. Earth is presumably the only place in our solar system where organic life as we know it develops, where a certain type of material organization is animated by spirit and develops a certain type of consciousness. As life in human beings develops a sense of self, this sense of self has to express itself through action.

This action is what Mars symbolizes. It thus represents the mobilization of energy, the capacity to do and to assert oneself. Mars has often been considered a negative symbol in astrology, but the capacities Mars represents are in themselves neither constructive nor destructive. Much depends on the value the Venus function gives to experience, whether Mars is activated in reactionary 'fight or flight,' or if it operates positively to carry out the directives of a centralizing will.

Nevertheless, where Mars' capacity to do is activated, so too may develop a tendency to force issues and overdo, especially when doing compensates for insecurity or frustration. In such cases, the negative aspects of Mars may operate as recklessness, argumentativeness, vindictiveness, or even open hostility.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Energy is expended with keen insistence on detail.  

Symbol: A soldier polishes his bayonet until it gleams.

The adroitness conferred by Mars in Virgo makes this a helpful position for anyone who practices a discipline requiring physical and mental finesse. The vigorous practicality of the fire/earth combination can produce a shrewd businessperson, engineer, pathologist, medical technician, or mechanic.

Virgoans tend to work in a subordinate capacity, but when this analytical sign filters the out-rushing force of Mars, it can be diverted into highly specialized skills which raise a worker to the top of their profession.

The Martial spirit of aggressiveness combined with the Virgoan willingness to take orders is salutary for a career in the military services. It also gives a keen interest in health and human welfare as in the case of Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross.

In the academic field, scholarly Virgo is transfused with the mental vigor needed to go out in pursuit of the facts and figures required in research projects, especially if these involve waging war on disease and pollution.

A person having this blend of influences may be less adventuresome than they seem, since they plan their strategy astutely, have calculated the odds, and know what to expect before they commit themselves to action. They rise to challenges, but seldom so far that their feet leave the ground. Virgo's passion for detail may make Mars cold-blooded, but this same bloodhound instinct can be admirable when it comes to tracking down troublemaking elements.

The planet of sexual desire is not really at ease in the sign of chastity. In some cases, the person involves themselves so completely in their job that little time or energy remains for romance. They find themselves obligated to restrain their physical impulses and to subordinate the demands of the senses to common sense.

Irritation may arise out of a desire to achieve more than can be accomplished with the inadequate materials available. Human clay is just too obdurate to express Virgo's ideal of perfection.  

Although the Martial Virgoan may not be an ardent lover, they can be an ardent worker. This self-immolating tendency may be purely altruistic, but there are also some who discover that their sacrifices provide an incontrovertible excuse for avoiding potentially distasteful emotional entanglements. This situation can be frustrating, indeed, for one who happens to be more in love with such a person than with the cause they embrace.

The analytical power of Mars in Virgo can lead to achievement in almost any field of endeavor that requires the penetrating use of the mind. These keenly discriminating Virgoans have an unobtrusive ambition which impels them to work to the limit of their ability, even if they must sacrifice physical comforts to the demands of their career.

Their behavior is seldom spectacular but, by remaining on the track and avoiding errors of judgment, they eventually attain their goals.


Astrology, the Divine Science

