After the sphere of Venus, outward-bound solar power passes through the sphere of Earth. Here it develops as the life energy (prana or chi) which animates the biosphere and its material organizations. Earth is a pivotal planet in our view of the solar system, for we see and interpret the solar system from Earth.

Our picture of the solar system is thus an earthly picture, made possible by our particular position and function in the system. Earth is presumably the only place in our solar system where organic life as we know it develops, where a certain type of material organization is animated by spirit and develops a certain type of consciousness. As life in human beings develops a sense of self, this sense of self has to express itself through action.

This action is what Mars symbolizes. It thus represents the mobilization of energy, the capacity to do and to assert oneself. Mars has often been considered a negative symbol in astrology, but the capacities Mars represents are in themselves neither constructive nor destructive. Much depends on the value the Venus function gives to experience, whether Mars is activated in reactionary 'fight or flight,' or if it operates positively to carry out the directives of a centralizing will.

Nevertheless, where Mars' capacity to do is activated, so too may develop a tendency to force issues and overdo, especially when doing compensates for insecurity or frustration. In such cases, the negative aspects of Mars may operate as recklessness, argumentativeness, vindictiveness, or even open hostility.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Energy is expended in diffused ways.

Symbol: A doctor gives a blood transfusion to an unconscious patient.

People having Mars in Pisces often find themselves obliged to cope with confusing situations. The position is too emotional to be considered an easy one, and it poses the problem of finding an outlet for feelings whose irrationality does not diminish their compulsivity. Something has to give, but if there is an explosion, it is more likely to occur deep within the psyche than to be channeled into overt action.

Individuals of this type are faced with the challenge of blending the combustible force of Mars with the volatile vapors of Pisces. As is often the case where fire and water meet, emotions simmer and boil, obscuring basic issues with clouds of steam. On the other hand, the heat may produce alchemical transformations in the substances on which it works. The person with Mars in Pisces generally has something cooking, but they keep the lid on so tightly that it may take a while to discover what is in their brew.

This placement can indicate a person who works extremely hard in unobtrusive ways. They may be connected with an institution or large company which overshadows their distinctive personality, even when they accept an executive position. Often they are interested in psychic research and in various endeavors carried on for the purpose of exploring the subjective laws of the universe. Since Pisce’s is the actors sign, energy may be directed into theatrical pursuits.

The main problem confronting these emotionally enturbulated people is a tendency to scatter or misdirect their forces. Sometimes their lack of success is due to a sapping of their energies at a psychic level by unresolved problems.  

This is the least physically energetic of all the placements of Mars. In contrast to the straightforward thrust of Aries, Pisces deflects the vital forces inward - sometimes in strange and tortuous ways. Often there is keen esthetic sensitivity and the ability to sublimate sufferings into artistic accomplishment. Drugs and drink can however present a real danger. Alcoholic spirits (fire-water) inflame repressed emotions and dissolve ambition in futile fantasy at times when clear-cut action is needed.  

When control is lacking these people may be sensual, temperamental, and intemperate. Imbued with a sense of purpose they can become intoxicated with a vision for which they will work with evangelical zeal. Their natural inclination is to try to reach their goal by indirect means. Yet their effectiveness may be greater than that of people whose work is more visibly evident, because in tuning in on the subtle forces of the universe they learn to apply their psychic energies in ways that will really count. Thus they endeavor to pull the strings rather than play the part of a puppet in nature’s great dance of destiny.


Astrology, the Divine Science

