After the sphere of Venus, outward-bound solar power passes through the sphere of Earth. Here it develops as the life energy (prana or chi) which animates the biosphere and its material organizations. Earth is a pivotal planet in our view of the solar system, for we see and interpret the solar system from Earth.

Our picture of the solar system is thus an earthly picture, made possible by our particular position and function in the system. Earth is presumably the only place in our solar system where organic life as we know it develops, where a certain type of material organization is animated by spirit and develops a certain type of consciousness. As life in human beings develops a sense of self, this sense of self has to express itself through action.

This action is what Mars symbolizes. It thus represents the mobilization of energy, the capacity to do and to assert oneself. Mars has often been considered a negative symbol in astrology, but the capacities Mars represents are in themselves neither constructive nor destructive. Much depends on the value the Venus function gives to experience, whether Mars is activated in reactionary 'fight or flight,' or if it operates positively to carry out the directives of a centralizing will.

Nevertheless, where Mars' capacity to do is activated, so too may develop a tendency to force issues and overdo, especially when doing compensates for insecurity or frustration. In such cases, the negative aspects of Mars may operate as recklessness, argumentativeness, vindictiveness, or even open hostility.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Diplomatic action is backed by a show of force.

Symbol: An officer at a full-dress parade salutes his smartly uniformed troops.

The person with Mars in Libra believes in moderation in everything - including moderation. Although their energy is usually controlled by judgment, it can flare into belligerence: since Mars is God of battles, and Libra rules war as well as peace.

Consequently people having this placement tend to become involved in conflicts in spite of themselves. They may find themselves fighting the many small domestic skirmishes which can mar a marriage, or they may dedicate their life to the struggle for political unity. One way or another, they encounter opposition to their desires and must call upon all their wit and skill to triumph over adversity.

Paradoxically, the aspiration to introduce a more equitable social order can be the factor which precipitates riot and disorder. People of this temperament often feel called upon to fight for peace, to kill to avoid killing, and to sacrifice the rights of a few for the sake of bringing justice to all.

Mars is in detriment in this Venus-ruled sign because any violent expenditure of energy throws the delicately balanced social machine out of kilter. It is rarely possible to force people to behave fittingly, to compel them to love, to legislate equality, or to wage a war that will end all wars. One needs to realize that the ends do not justify the means. Ends and means are essentially one, and peace can come only from within and never by decree.

Nevertheless, there are occasions when intolerable evils arise and invasions must be repulsed. At such times, one can be grateful for the presence of the Martial Libran who takes the strong action required to adjust the balance of power.

This placement gives a keen esthetic sense, producing the kind of artist who can whip themselves into a creative ferment.

In interpersonal relationships, Mars in Libra is rash and impulsive. As with all fire/air combinations, there is a tendency to burn out quickly. They may have no trouble making conquests, but their conquests may make trouble.

Often, it is their strengths rather than their weaknesses against which this individual must guard, because they underestimate their effectiveness and are surprised at the violence of the reactions they can provoke in people unsympathetic with their methods. Most of their difficulties are created by others, even though indirectly set off by their own faulty judgment.

The very intensity of the striving to cooperate engenders conflict, and the insistence upon cohesiveness may reveal lines of cleavage not previously evident. Yet if they can resolve the opposing forces which wage war in their psyche, this person may become a creative catalyst, not only because of the tangible results produced, but also through their ability to evoke the best in all people and groups. The most important lesson that one can learn or teach is that love conquers all.


Astrology, the Divine Science

