After the sphere of Venus, outward-bound solar power passes through the sphere of Earth. Here it develops as the life energy (prana or chi) that animates the biosphere and its material organizations. Earth is a pivotal planet in our view of the solar system, for we see and interpret the solar system from Earth.  


Our picture of the solar system is thus an earthly picture, made possible by our particular position and function in the system. Earth is presumably the only place in our solar system where organic life as we know it develops, where a certain type of material organization is animated by spirit and develops a certain type of consciousness. As life in human beings develops a sense of self, this sense of self has to express itself through action.


This action is what Mars symbolizes. It thus represents the mobilization of energy, the capacity to do and to assert oneself. Mars has often been considered a negative symbol in astrology, but the capacities Mars represents are in themselves neither constructive nor destructive. Much depends on the value the Venus function gives to experience, whether Mars is activated in reactionary 'fight or flight,' or if it operates positively to carry out the directives of a centralizing will.


Nevertheless, where Mars' capacity to do is activated, so too may develop a tendency to force issues and overdo, especially when doing compensates for insecurity or frustration. In such cases, the negative aspects of Mars may operate as recklessness, argumentativeness, vindictiveness, or even open hostility.



Leyla Rael





Keynote: Circumstances demand defensive action.


Symbol: A settler buys a gun in order to protect his home.


Mars in Cancer directs the full force of the feeling nature into the struggle to acquire an estate and to guard that which has been obtained. A soldier’s place is not normally in the home. Therefore, aggressive Mars is in its fall in the domestic sign of Cancer where militancy is distressingly out of place.


Although the fire of Mars and the water of Cancer are more apt to boil than to blend, their enforced coalescence produces potent effects. The suppressed emotionalism of fire/water combinations may result in smoldering irritation followed by sudden outbursts of temper or 'letting off steam'. Such rage may not be as easily assuaged as when Mars is in other signs and, because Cancer enhances the memory, resentfulness will not be easy to cleanse from the emotions, even though one may dislike this trait in themselves.


When positively directed, the pent-up feelings can be channeled into passionate dedication to a cause. Often such an individual is driven to sublimate the ferment of feelings, which vie for control of their nature, into fervid endeavor. The result may be a brand of genius which is tinged with lunacy but which, nevertheless, gives rise to accomplishment.


Mars in Cancer can churn up obscure problems, particularly on the home front. Excessive tension is likely to create internal distress in the form of nervousness and digestive upsets. Women with this placement often undergo abdominal operations; men are oppressed by possessive mothers; babies have difficulty retaining their food. Unconscious resentments may lead to a dependence on cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs that wreak havoc upon the hapless cells of the body in socially acceptable ways. Addictive tendencies may be triggered by the use of artificial stimulants to counteract a sense of physical depletion.


A Mars/Cancer person should study and apply the principles of psychoanalysis in probing the depths of their own mind. Here they can wield the cutting force of Mars like a surgeon's knife in order to locate hidden sources of conflict. Frequently, they find that many of their difficulties can be traced to childhood traumas or to uncongenial parents.


Although this position gives strong domestic inclinations, the nesting instinct is often thwarted by sudden changes of residence, political upheavals, or uncontrollable circumstances. Almost invariably, some frustration mars the harmony of home.


Since Mars is a go-getter as well as a goad to action, it frequently provides a clue to a person's profession. In Cancer, it inclines toward occupations connected with the sea, food, housing, or children. The strenuous work involved in running a busy home, institution, hotel, or restaurant is characteristic of this configuration.


The Mars/Cancer person must learn that some battles are won through letting go and surrendering to necessity. Otherwise, they may waste energy struggling for lost causes. They need to cultivate a quiet spirit, a happy disposition, and faith that the ongoing stream of life will bear them to their goal.




Astrology, the Divine Science


