After the sphere of Venus, outward bound solar power passes through the sphere of Earth. Here it develops as the life energy (prana or chi) which animates the biosphere and its material organizations. Earth is a pivotal planet in our view of the solar system, for we see and interpret the solar system from Earth.

Our picture of the solar system is thus an earthly picture, made possible by our particular position and function in the system. Earth is presumably the only place in our solar system where organic life as we know it develops, where a certain type of material organization is animated by spirit and develops a certain type of consciousness. As life in human beings develops a sense of self, this sense of self has to express itself through action.

This action is what Mars symbolizes. It thus represents the mobilization of energy, the capacity to do and to assert oneself. Mars has often been considered a negative symbol in astrology, but the capacities Mars represents are in themselves neither constructive nor destructive. Much depends on the value the Venus function gives to experience, whether Mars is activated in reactionary 'fight or flight,' or if it operates positively to carry out the directives of a centralizing will.

Nevertheless, where Mars' capacity to do is activated, so too may develop a tendency to force issues and overdo, especially when doing compensates for insecurity or frustration. In such cases, the negative aspects of Mars may operate as recklessness, argumentativeness, vindictiveness, or even open hostility.


Leyla Rael



                Keynote: Energy is expended inventively.

Symbol: Scientists study the effects of an atomic explosion.

The word for Mars in Aquarius is dynamic. The intellectual power of Aquarius, reinforced by the physical and emotional energy of Mars, combines to produce breakups, breakdowns, or breakthroughs, depending upon the capacity of the individual to handle the forces unleashed. People of this type are often found in the vanguard of humanity or of their particular social set. They always appear to know how to keep things lively. Even when they themselves are quiet and dignified, lightning seems to crackle about them.

The presence of Mars in this galvanic Uranian sign shows a need to guard against becoming nervously overcharged. Sometimes these individuals can play with fire without being fully cognizant of the dangers involved. A wire that heats up is less efficient in conducting a flow of electricity than one that remains cool. Similarly, the Aquarian can be most effective when they remain coolly controlled and non-resistant to the forces which use them as a channel in order to bring about radical changes.

People having Mars in Aquarius are often concerned with large-scale problems and humanitarian issues. This is the combination one might expect to find in the chart of a political agitator or an instigator of revolutions. These revolutions may be social, political, moral, or scientific, but in one way or another they keep the wheels of progress revolving. Even when the Martial Aquarian is not doing the actual fighting, they spark action on the part of others. One must remember, however, that progress is not produced nor equality won by turning everything upside down. Their great need is to cultivate patience, forbearance, and equanimity rather than leaping forward in spurts and spasms.

Mars in Aquarius gives the impetus to explore new frontiers of the mind. The incendiary restlessness of the fire-air combination makes it difficult for these individuals to rest on their laurels even after success has been gained. These are the adventurers who must climb a mountain because it is there. Non-intellectual types may demonstrate the same quality simply by moving about a great deal. In the case of Queen Elizabeth II, the conservatism of a Taurean Sun and a Capricorn Ascendant prevent her Aquarian Mars from expressing itself except through a variety of interesting journeys and associations.                                                   

When this combination accompanies literary talent, the impulse to write generally stems from a desire to convey a socially significant message to the world and to produce drastic action. The Martial-Aquarian scholar believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, and they wield it like a weapon in the battle for people's minds. They may also have a desire to enjoy the untrammeled way of life which a career in writing or the arts may make possible. Often the nature of the occupation they select is less important to them than the independence it allows. They want to be a free spirit who can cruise about and see new places, and any job which allows this personal latitude may be temporarily acceptable.

Generally, these individuals prefer to work with their minds and to enjoy the company of intellectually oriented associates. At the same time, there is a touch of the Bohemian about them, even if they can manage only a symbolic gesture such as owning an exotic sports car or pursuing an unusual hobby. In some way they demonstrate that they are not just one of the crowd as they go their own way and create their own circumstances.


Astrology, the Divine Science

