After passing through the sphere of Mars, the outward tide of solar power passes through the sphere of the asteroids. This is not the sphere of one revolving planet, but of a swarm of tiny, almost unrelated chunks of matter. Some say the asteroids are debris from what was previously a planet, which met with a sufficiently dire internal or external disaster to blow it to smithereens. In the symbolism of the solar system, the asteroid belt represents the kind of non-integration that results if the impulsiveness and individualistic aggression of Mars run rampant and unchecked.

The function of Jupiter is to integrate according to spiritual principles whatever is or has become scattered and unrelated. Jupiter operates most positively when it organizes the actions and accomplishments of individuals into a meaningful, self-sustaining whole. Thus, in cooperation with the many, one flourishes. Although the keyword usually associated with Jupiter is expansion, Jupiter fundamentally symbolizes social participation. We can call this expansion if by expansion we mean the acceptance of individual efforts by the community. This is the kind of social success Jupiter can represent.

On the other hand, individuals can expand their activities into society according to the 'law of the fish:' big fish eat little fish. This is the negative type of expansion Jupiter can represent when social participation operates as a compensation for personal insecurity. Then Jupiter's sense of fellowship may turn into unrestrained ambition for recognition at all costs, and visionary projects may be compromised by expediency.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Knowledge is systematically accumulated and digested.

Symbol: A researcher in an enormous library fills his notebook with facts.

Jupiter in Virgo, the sign of its detriment, produces the contrary effects of a large planet caught in the squeeze of the sign of minutiae. The results are comparable to being surfeited with too much of a good thing. There can be mental indigestion and a pedagogical preoccupation with details that allows little leeway for original thinking.

This placement tends toward an intellectual but somewhat materialistic or cynical view of life unless other aspects combine to spiritualize the personality. Although Jupiter has a visionary side, it is basically conservative. Virgo's insistence upon orderliness in mundane affairs, combined with Jupiter's desire for a universal order, can place so much emphasis on formalities that individual freedom and spontaneity are precluded.

This pseudo-expansive outlook is typified by the science fiction writer who considers himself to be extremely imaginative in conjuring fantastic visions of life as it might be on stars, light years removed from Earth, yet who cannot conceive of anything beyond the strictly mechanistic view of the cosmos left over from nineteenth-century materialism. By projecting their own small shadow upon the backdrop of the universe, they create bigger and better monsters, but little that touches the heart or uplifts the mind.

Jupiter in Virgo tends to envision progress in terms of the multiplication of civilized comforts and the spread of efficient working conditions, rather than as an expansion of consciousness. This type of thinker often feels that if disease could be eradicated, life prolonged, and social institutions improved, humanities existence would automatically become ideal - overlooking the fact that the achievement of greater ease has never yet succeeded in producing a superior breed of human being.

This position is excellent for writing, and especially for literary productions such as anthologies that string together numerous small selections within a larger opus. It gives an ability to live by one's wits, to master the tricks of a trade, and to profit by the shrewd and skillful manipulation of materials at hand. Speculative thought remains anchored to practical considerations, either because of an innate predisposition toward pragmatism or because of the exigencies of earning a living and coping with the problems of an imperfect world.

The combined influences of Jupiter and Virgo usually make a person conservative in their religious outlook, or too skeptical to have any religion at all. They prefer ethics to metaphysics and cannot see why, if all people use their native intelligence and abide by the golden rule Earth should not be as fine a place to live as any theologian's heaven. Their real desire is to expand their field of knowledge and to develop the specialized techniques required to make this information broadly applicable.

Individuals with Jupiter in Virgo are attracted to businesses which manufacture technical equipment or which produce a variety of items for widespread consumption. They have an instinct for handling computers, microcircuits, and all the complicated paraphernalia of modern industry and research. Their mental attitude is in tune with the temper of the present era, in which financial planners aim at unlimited expansion by building up a market for a plethora of small goods and services. Consequently, the typical Jupiterian Virgoan stands an excellent chance of being well adjusted to the commerce-minded world of today.


Astrology, the Divine Science

