After passing through the sphere of Mars, the outward tide of solar power passes through the sphere of the asteroids. This is not the sphere of one revolving planet, but of a swarm of tiny, almost unrelated chunks of matter. Some say the asteroids are debris from what was previously a planet, which met with a sufficiently dire internal or external disaster to blow it to smithereens. In the symbolism of the solar system, the asteroid belt represents the kind of non-integration that results if the impulsiveness and individualistic aggression of Mars run rampant and unchecked.

The function of Jupiter is to integrate according to spiritual principles whatever is or has become scattered and unrelated. Jupiter operates most positively when it organizes the actions and accomplishments of individuals into a meaningful, self-sustaining whole. Thus, in cooperation with the many, one flourishes. Although the keyword usually associated with Jupiter is expansion, Jupiter fundamentally symbolizes social participation. We can call this expansion if by expansion we mean the acceptance of individual efforts by the community. This is the kind of social success Jupiter can represent.

On the other hand, individuals can expand their activities into society according to the 'law of the fish:' big fish eat little fish. This is the negative type of expansion Jupiter can represent when social participation operates as a compensation for personal insecurity. Then Jupiter's sense of fellowship may turn into unrestrained ambition for recognition at all costs, and visionary projects may be compromised by expediency.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Growth produces a vital transformation.

Symbol: A rosebush in a cemetery bears a mass of blood-red blossoms.

The person with Jupiter in Scorpio is not afraid to hitch their wagon to a star, but they take care to grease the axles and check the wheels of the vehicle in which they ride. They know how to think big and at the same time are willing to dirty their hands by undertaking the practical work of the world.

Their talent for converting natural resources into useful products may attract them to fields connected with chemistry, engineering, and pollution control. This individual may also be a discerning psychologist; one who can assist people endeavoring not only to adjust to the circumstances of the world, but also to reconstruct themselves from within.

Jupiter and Scorpio combine to give a flair for business and finance. Frequently, these people prosper because they are willing to take the trouble to dig out necessary information, to get down to essentials, and to bide their time until a situation is ripe for development. They amass wealth because they so strongly desire and expect success in all their enterprises. Theirs is an almost mystical faith in the power of money to breed more money and, consequently, more power. There may be an almost sublime self-confidence which transcends ordinary egotism, as in the case of Napoleon who firmly believed that he was born under a lucky star which predestined him to dominate the affairs of Europe.

The expansiveness of Jupiter functioning through the sign of sex and death bespeaks the possibility of directing the procreative energies into higher creative channels. Immortality is sought, not through the begetting of children, but through some great work which endures after its progenitor has passed from the scene.

If the impetuousness of the Martial side of Scorpio overwhelms the more seasoned wisdom of Jupiter, the desire for extraordinary sensations can induce reckless experimentation with drugs and intoxicants which push and expand the walls of everyday consciousness. Jupiter supplies the urge to sanctify such practices by treating them as a religious sacrament.

The Plutonian element gives the fascination with secret societies and ceremonial magic which accounts for the current resurgence of occult and quasi-occult practices among "hippies," "trippies," "mysties," and similarly inclined adventurers into inner space.

It imparts the desire to strip away the veil that conceals nature’s deeper mysteries and to discover hitherto unrevealed catacombs of the mind.

Jupiter in Scorpio may also lead to a preoccupation with the mystique of sex. Negatively, sexual and religious impulses combine to generate a fanaticism which either represses or over-expresses the erotic impulses. Positively, personal desires may be sublimated into devotion to a grand and noble ideal. Self-transcendence may be sought through the raising and redirection of the psychic forces, as for instance, in the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

This is not a sex-denying placement. As a natural expression of the law of attraction in a bipolar universe, the reproductive instinct is more likely to be deified than denigrated. Sex may be an enjoyable pastime, but somehow this individual wants to feel that it has larger implications — that it can result in expanded consciousness as well as in the production of progeny.  


Astrology, the Divine Science

