After passing through the sphere of Mars, the outward tide of solar power passes through the sphere of the asteroids. This is not the sphere of one revolving planet, but of a swarm of tiny, almost unrelated chunks of matter. Some say the asteroids are debris from what was previously a planet, which met with a sufficiently dire internal or external disaster to blow it to smithereens.  

In the symbolism of the solar system, the asteroid belt represents the kind of non-integration that results if the impulsiveness and individualistic aggression of Mars run rampant and unchecked.

The function of Jupiter is to integrate according to spiritual principles whatever is or has become scattered and unrelated. Jupiter operates most positively when it organizes the actions and accomplishments of individuals into a meaningful, self-sustaining whole. Thus, in cooperation with the many, one flourishes.

Although the keyword usually associated with Jupiter is expansion, Jupiter fundamentally symbolizes social participation. We can call this expansion if by expansion we mean the acceptance of individual efforts by the community. This is the kind of social success Jupiter can represent.

On the other hand, individuals can expand their activities into society according to the 'law of the fish:' big fish eat little fish. This is the negative type of expansion Jupiter can represent when social participation operates as a compensation for personal insecurity. Then Jupiter's sense of fellowship may turn into unrestrained ambition for recognition at all costs, and visionary projects may be compromised by expediency.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: Broadening relationships foster expansions of consciousness.  

Symbol: A group of hymn-singing pilgrims approaches a great cathedral.

People having Jupiter in Pisces are blessed with the spirit of charity. They may be serious in their underlying attitudes, but a genial and benevolent manner prevents them from appearing unduly ponderous or dogmatic in their expressions of opinion. Their subtle sense of humor can be applied to the problem of presenting philosophically perplexing ideas in a palatable form. They are innately visionary, and their capacity to see life in a broad perspective helps them to retain a light touch, even when enmeshed in difficulties.

Many Jupiterian Pisceans are religiously inclined, even to the point of mysticism. Since Jupiter in this position is too all embracing to fit the mold of sectarian theology, they look upon conventional doctrines as divisive forces in the life of humanity, and try instead to fit everything into a comprehensive world-view.

These individuals may be profoundly concerned with the metaphysical issues of life, death, and the hereafter, but they need to find their own answers and to experience truth for themselves. Although the Piscean influence tends toward introspection, it is not incompatible with Jupiterian expansiveness.

The lesson of this combination is that real growth must imply an evolution of consciousness as well as an increase in the size and complexity of the physical organism, and that these inner and outer processes are carried forward simultaneously.

On the negative side, the mind of the person born with this prolix planet in the sign of mysticism can be so inflationary that they have difficulty keeping their feet on the ground. An accent on this combination can lead to extravagance, exaggeration, and resulting exasperation when events fail to materialize as anticipated. Such an individual may expect too much and then, when their unrealistic hopes are not realized, they feel punctured and deflated. Often they are buoyed by a sublime faith in the power of prayer, when decisive action would bring quicker, more efficacious results.


Astrology, the Divine Science

