After passing through the sphere of Mars, the outward tide of solar power passes through the sphere of the asteroids. This is not the sphere of one revolving planet, but of a swarm of tiny, almost unrelated chunks of matter. Some say the asteroids are debris from what was previously a planet, which met with a sufficiently dire internal or external disaster to blow it to smithereens. In the symbolism of the solar system, the asteroid belt represents the kind of non-integration that results if the impulsiveness and individualistic aggression of Mars run rampant and unchecked.

The function of Jupiter is to integrate according to spiritual principles whatever is or has become scattered and unrelated. Jupiter operates most positively when it organizes the actions and accomplishments of individuals into a meaningful, self-sustaining whole. Thus, in cooperation with the many, one flourishes. Although the keyword usually associated with Jupiter is expansion, Jupiter fundamentally symbolizes social participation. We can call this expansion if by expansion we mean the acceptance of individual efforts by the community. This is the kind of social success Jupiter can represent.

On the other hand, individuals can expand their activities into society according to the 'law of the fish:' big fish eat little fish. This is the negative type of expansion Jupiter can represent when social participation operates as a compensation for personal insecurity. Then Jupiter's sense of fellowship may turn into unrestrained ambition for recognition at all costs, and visionary projects may be compromised by expediency.  


Leyla Rael



Keynote: The urge to expand results in large-scale planning.

Symbol: A castle on a hill dominates the village below.

Jupiter in Leo can be almost too bountiful a blend, like butter on sausages, or a birthday on Christmas. The principle of expansion operating through the sign of self-expression enlarges the ego and fills the mind with thoughts of worlds to conquer — or uplift. An awareness of social position can stimulate the ambition to be the best dressed, most esteemed, or most envied member of a particular group. There may be a desire to own more living space, jewels, or worldly goods than any one person needs, not so much for the sake of security, as would be the case with Jupiter in Taurus, but for sheer ostentation.

Conscientious people of this temperament will use their organizational abilities to serve others less fortunate than themselves.  Thus, the combination may be extravagant or generous, overbearing or dignified, demanding or altruistic, depending upon the degree to which egocentricity is expanded into consciousness of human need. The key to the character of this individual is the word "nobility." Either there will be the desire to be considered an aristocrat or there will be the elevation of character which marks the spiritual aristocrat whose position is shown by a sense of noblesse oblige.

This combination is propitious for executive work, especially in government service or in large, well-established enterprises. It denotes the self-assured leader who instinctively considers himself one of the elite. An ability to behave as one "to the manner born" inspires others and may pave the way toward wealth and prestige.

The Jupiter-Leo person knows how to make a good impression, but they need to be sure that they can also deliver the goods. These individuals can be jovial and benevolent, but also somewhat ponderous.

If attracted to religion, they prefer denominations whose rituals involve a measure of pomp, dignity, and ceremony. Philosophically, they tend toward the optimistic belief that the nature of man is constantly improving and that the world itself is progressing toward a higher state.

Jupiter in Leo can be an artistic influence, producing lengthy books, dramatic music, flamboyant paintings, massive statues, and spectacular shows. Its natives are generally quite conscious of appearances and possess richly conservative tastes. Some are inverted snobs whose understated simplicity of dress and manner is more inimitable than ornate and plush affectations.

As a leader, the Jupiterian Leonian embraces expansionistic policies without being radical. They present their ideas as the natural product of their own exceptional wisdom and foresight and expect to be rewarded with a position of responsibility. They do not mind being a figurehead but should make it a point to remember to give credit to those who labor behind the scenes.  Above all, they want their life to count for something in the larger scheme of things and they will work ambitiously in order that the world may take note of their presence in it.


Astrology, the Divine Science

