After passing through the sphere of Mars, the outward tide of solar power passes through the sphere of the asteroids. This is not the sphere of one revolving planet, but of a swarm of tiny, almost unrelated chunks of matter. Some say the asteroids are debris from what was previously a planet, which met with a sufficiently dire internal or external disaster to blow it to smithereens. In the symbolism of the solar system, the asteroid belt represents the kind of non-integration that results if the impulsiveness and individualistic aggression of Mars run rampant and unchecked.  

The function of Jupiter is to integrate according to spiritual principles whatever is or has become scattered and unrelated. Jupiter operates most positively when it organizes the actions and accomplishments of individuals into a meaningful, self-sustaining whole. Thus, in cooperation with the many, one flourishes. Although the keyword usually associated with Jupiter is expansion, Jupiter fundamentally symbolizes social participation. We can call this expansion if by expansion we mean the acceptance of individual efforts by the community. This is the kind of social success Jupiter can represent.

On the other hand, individuals can expand their activities into society according to the 'law of the fish:' big fish eat little fish. This is the negative type of expansion Jupiter can represent when social participation operates as a compensation for personal insecurity. Then Jupiter's sense of fellowship may turn into unrestrained ambition for recognition at all costs, and visionary projects may be compromised by expediency.


Leyla Rael



Keynote: A variety of intellectual interests enlarge the scope of the mind.  

Symbol: A world traveler coordinates plane, train, and bus schedules.

The person having Jupiter in Gemini aspires to improve themselves materially and spiritually through the cultivation of their mental faculties. They are a great believer in the ability of enlightened thought to solve all problems. Often, they will strive ambitiously for higher education, collecting degrees and traveling far and wide in order to become a well-informed person. They want to know a little bit about everything, to be the quiz kid of the universe, and will strain their brain trying to prove how smart they are. If legitimate channels of mental development are blocked, they may become an inveterate gossip.

This insatiable appetite for new ideas keeps them in perpetual motion as they scout for intriguing tidbits of information. Since Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini, difficulty can arise in joining the expansiveness of the planet with the capacity for minutiae of the sign. Like large and small gears in a machine, they perform different functions. Yet if the gears can be meshed, power and precision combine through the turning of many wheels.

The disadvantage of Jupiter in Gemini lies in its tendency to inflate the mind and incite it to continual nervous activity. The planet of big ideas in the sign of the intellect gives an inclination to be talkative, agitated, and involved in grandiose schemes. Such an individual may become wordy, diffuse, and high-flown, constructing all manner of ingenious arguments to try to justify that which can be known by faith alone. Philosophically and religiously they may be concerned with propounding verbose solutions to a series of artificial conundrums when they would do better to relax and let the wisdom of the universe insinuate itself into them easily and naturally.

The integration of the diverse talents shown by Jupiter in Gemini can lead to achievement of epic proportions. Writers with this combination turn out voluminous quantities of material but tend to ramble.

This placement is propitious for the study of law, philosophy, or any undertaking in which abstract ideas need to be expressed concisely and in detail. It can denote a highly rational intellect capable of conveying profound ideas in concise terms, but it can also confer the ability to pour forth a froth of eloquent oratory without saying anything specific. This knack for formulating fortuitous phrases while avoiding commitment can be invaluable in such professions as politics and diplomacy. A professorial air of erudition will often prove impressive, even to those who are confused about the ideas being propounded.

The Jupiter-Gemini person needs to guard against biting off more than they can eschew. They want to relate everything to everything else in the world so that it all fits into one grand scheme, and it disconcerts them when this cannot be done.  

Usually their ideas make sense, and if they can prune them judiciously, people will grasp their meaning without lengthy explanations. They have much to say and can say it well - providing they also knows when to remain silent.


Astrology, the Divine Science

