

The House of Home and Parents - The field of heredity

Base of operations. Psychological roots. All that surrounds, protects, and nourishes the self. Family and racial traditions. The mother. The end of life. Early subconscious conditioning. The place of residence.

This placement of the Moon gives a wistful desire for peace and contentment which is often denied by a restless, unsatisfied nature. Many changes of residence and frequent renovations within the home may betray "an edifice complex" springing from a need to see one's inner self reflected in one's surroundings.

A powerful maternal influence - constructive or destructive as the case may be - can underlie a lifelong search for, or effort to serve as, a mother figure. More commonly, a preoccupation with food, antiques, ancient customs, genealogy, old houses, and all such appurtenances of gracious living, grows out of the craving to feel a sense of continuity with the best that the past has to offer.


Astrology, the Divine Science

