

The House of Home and Parents - The field of heredity

Base of operations. Psychological roots. All that surrounds, protects, and nourishes the self. Family and racial traditions. The mother. The end of life. Early subconscious conditioning. The place of residence.

A fourth house Mercury gives a need to establish a niche in the world of ideas. It encourages home studies and settlement in some congenial milieu dominated by an educational institution or group of like-minded people. This could be a favorable position for residence on a school or college campus, or in an area dominated by bright, youthful, and active thinkers.

Psychological nourishment is drawn from accumulated knowledge and from a mastery of the techniques of daily living. There may be a tendency to collect cookbooks, to tinker with household gadgets, and to make continual domestic improvements.

The mind is equipped with sensitive feelers which facilitate an adjustment to the immediate situation.


Astrology, the Divine Science

