

The House of Home and Parents - The field of heredity

Base of operations. Psychological roots. All that surrounds, protects, and nourishes the self. Family and racial traditions. The mother. The end of life. Early subconscious conditioning. The place of residence.

Much energy may be rewardingly spent on improving and redecorating the home. Some people with this placing can periodically become bored with their homes, so that they move house many times. Yet the very forcefulness of the endeavor may prove disruptive.

This individual is seldom temperamentally equipped to sustain harmony in the dwelling place and can drag up bones of contention, which irritate those who are closest to them.

Often they are emotionally ambivalent toward parents and family, wanting to do the right thing but stirring up dissension despite apparent efforts to be affable. Feelings of insecurity give rise to contradictory attitudes of retention and rejection of the people and objects most cherished.


Astrology, the Divine Science

