

The House of Friendships - The field of hopes and wishes

Detached or impersonal relationships. Humanitarian and philanthropic enterprises. Clubs, groups, and associates. Business connections and spheres of influence. The people who share one's ideals. Altruism. The rewards derived from the ambitions of the tenth house.  

Mercury in the eleventh house predisposes an individual to seek clever companions who keep them mentally stimulated with lively, intelligent conversation. They like to circulate, to bring people together for discussions on matters of mutual concern, and to belong to a number of different groups and associations.

The fact that their friends entertain views at variance with one another does not disconcert them, for they can identify with and understand the thinking of the person they happen to be with at the moment. Even though they may disagree with the ideas themselves, they perceive the reasons why an individual entertains a particular set of beliefs, and relish the novelty of hearing contrary opinions.

Deep and meaningful friendships may not be all that important, but social intercourse will be, and the spare time will be used to the full, with every moment thoroughly enjoyed. If ever a need to get out and about and to mix freely is expressed, it is here. Perhaps a certain amount of free time will be spent on humanitarian causes.


Astrology, the Divine Science

