

Arthur M. Young

Because it led to quantum physics, the discovery by Planck in 1900 that light is radiated in whole units, or quanta of action, is probably the most important discovery made by science since its inception about four hundred years ago. Another reason for its importance, in my opinion, is that it provided scientific sanction for the idea that what is most basic is not material particles but activity. It is not hard to think of a particle having energy due to its motion. It is hard to think of activity with no particle. Of course you can think of the quantum of action as a particle, but shorn of its energy there is nothing there. This is why if one person sees a photon, or "particle" of light, it is annihilated and no one else can see it. We never do see objects; we see the light reflected from them.

What does this do to the objectivity of the photon? Is something objective which can only be seen once? It's no wonder that Planck had to wait nineteen years for physicists to accept his thinking. This is the period given, but I don't think there was any general acceptance until 1926, when Werner Heisenberg showed that our uncertainty about the position and momentum of a particle is equal to Planck's constant. Even Planck found it hard to believe his own theory, and Einstein, despite his getting the Nobel Prize for using Planck's theory to explain the photoelectric effect, would not accept quantum theory: "God does not play dice with the universe."

As I have heard it, Newton thought the regularity of the planets' motion was evidence for God. Others say that Newton thought that it would sometimes be necessary for God to readjust their motion. In any case LaPlace said he had accounted for their motion and made God an unnecessary hypothesis. The same issue - God as regularity versus God as chance - was the subject of a 4000-year-old Egyptian myth. The myth relates that in former times there were 360 days in the year, and that the Supreme God decreed that there should be no gods born on any day of the year. Then the moon played dice with the sun and won from it five extra days, on which were born Horus and his four sons. Again, in Genesis we have both that God gave man dominion over the beasts, implying free will, and that he forbade man's eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which man did eat, so he must have had free will to disobey God.

Thus there has been a 4000-year-old confusion between the notion of God as perfect regularity, order and certainty, and God as spontaneous creativity, accident and uncertainty. We fear uncertainty when we pay fees for insurance against unforeseen losses, and ask for it when we buy lottery tickets in hope of a quick gain. I suppose most people think of uncertainty as to be avoided, but the virgin birth, which is an event without a cause, is a symbol in almost all religions of salvation - the birth of the hero (the god in man) who conquers the forces of evil and attains divine status. Another such interpretation of uncertainty is The Cloud of Unknowing, one of the great religious books, which tells us that in all other subjects we should use discretion, but in the religious quest, none. We should go about with a cloud of unknowing over our heads.

How could Einstein use God's regularity to exclude uncertainty if LaPlace could use regularity to make God unnecessary? The point is that there could be no novelty, no creativity, in a universe with no uncertainty. This merit of uncertainty, novelty, contrasts sharply with the interpretation of the quantum of action as an inevitable defect of observation, but it does not conflict with the interpretation of the quantum as spontaneous creativity or freedom. "Don't hitch your wagon to a cement fence post," it says; "hitch your wagon to a star!"

Such references as I've cited above might seem inappropriate to our topic, "The Errors and Misconceptions of Science," but they can help delineate the province of science. Science is the quest for certainty, but science can only find it in what is less than ourselves. Uncertainty is what characterizes what is greater than ourselves. Why then is uncertainty and its interpretation important for science? Because science discovered uncertainty! After 4000 years of speculation about uncertainty, there followed the belief up to 100 years ago that science would put an end to it. But science now admits that uncertainty is not only inevitable, it is the most basic ingredient - the photon, or quantum of action.

What remains is for science to see this uncertainty in a better light - as spontaneous creativity, the source of life and the drive that sustains evolution in its ten-billion-year quest to surpass itself.

Science is halfway to this recognition already, especially in biochemistry, in which more and more evidence is showing how photons or quanta of action initiate and sustain the molecular changes that constitute cellular metabolism, growth and reproduction. In other areas science clings to its now obsolete dogma of determinism.


The Minuteness of the Quantum of Action

Another important misconception is to view the minuteness of energy in the quantum of action as grounds for its confinement to the micro world of quantum physics, and thus for its unimportance in general. This view overlooks the trigger effect, by which a minute energy can control a large-scale event. A single photon can open the supermarket door, or blow up a city. Presumably an aberrant photon displaced a gene in Queen Victoria's germ plasm that caused the Tsarevich to become hemophiliac, hence precipitating the Russian Revolution.

Another important point about the quantum of action, or photon, is one I cannot describe either as an error or a misconception; it is rather an oversight. This is the slight attention given to the fact that the quantum of action, in the process called pair production, creates protons and electrons, the two particles that constitute atoms and hence all organized matter. Current physics has devoted most of its attention to the hypothetical constituents of baryons, heavy particles that decay into protons, and leptons, which disintegrate into electrons. This work may be very important, but it ends up with a greater variety than the variety it started with - quarks and subquarks with differences in "color" and "flavor," (up, down, strange, charm, top and bottom) - all of which distracts us, as in the old nursery rhyme -

As I was going to St. lves

I met a man with seven wives

Each wife had seven sacks

Each sack had seven cats

Each cat had seven kits

- from the answer to the final question: "How many were going to St. lves?"

If all these sacks with cats with kits are necessary to create protons, how can photons do so with no evidence of these intermediaries, some of which are heavier than protons? The top quark is now thought to be 60 times heavier than the proton!

But even admitting the validity of the baryon-quark-subquark approach, that's no excuse for the tendency to ignore pair creation by photons. Thus the quantum of action (i.e., a photon) underlies and creates the proton and electron, and hence all matter.


Mathematics, Physics & Reality

